Search results

  1. heffe'

    M-land Super Grow Light?? 300w replaces 1000w

    Thanks so much for the informative reply. I'm dying to try the 200w 65k + 500w 27k induction to take the grow from start to finish. Would love to post results for you. I am convinced that in my small space these lights may just speak for themselves. I once met a holy man that upon looking me...
  2. heffe'

    cfl vs hps war ?

    How many amps drawn for induction lights? How do they compare ~watts,amps,lumens,?
  3. heffe'

    Femminizing seedlings w/ 24hrs lite for 12-14days

    My understanding was that the intensity/duration of lite somehow stressed them into all becoming females? That almost magically no males/hermes are produced from the seeds. I had him re-state it so I knew what he was saying. I had never heard this. He was from NoCal and seemed to know a lot. He...
  4. heffe'

    Femminizing seedlings w/ 24hrs lite for 12-14days

    I had a friend tell me that by taking seedlings @3"tall and putting them under 24hr lights (600w min.) for 12-14days they will all turn female and show. Then put them under a normal veg cycle. Is this true?
  5. heffe'

    M-land Super Grow Light?? 300w replaces 1000w

    Thanks for the reply. What has more usauble light(lm,spectrum)...(2) 250w 64k cfl or (1) 200w 64k induction?
  6. heffe'

    M-land Super Grow Light?? 300w replaces 1000w

    Any chance you have or will carry 200w induction in 6400k for vegging? How long do you expect it will take for your shipment to arrive? Do you take paypal?
  7. heffe'

    M-land Super Grow Light?? 300w replaces 1000w

    Hey, Thanx 4 the feedback! Were these plants also vegged w/ 27k? I am hoping to veg then bud on one bulb. What is the price?
  8. heffe'

    M-land Super Grow Lights 300w Replaces HID 1000w

    There's a Canadian supplier @:-P -- the light appears w/o hood in pics, only wires to ballast.
  9. heffe'

    M-land Super Grow Lights 300w Replaces HID 1000w

    I'm planning to try the 400w. Because of my narrow tall space (2.5'w x 5'd x 7't) I'm hoping to use a light mover to pass the hanging bulb within inches of the plants in a vertical grow. The lack of heat is appealing. I don't want to vent. Less energy is also appealing. Trying to decide which...
  10. heffe'

    M-land Super Grow Lights 300w Replaces HID 1000w

    Thanks! Can't wait 2 hear about your results. Would you recommend the 2700 or the 6500?
  11. heffe'

    Hi, I was wondering what Sunpulse 600w you are using? Which ballast, and kelvin?

    Hi, I was wondering what Sunpulse 600w you are using? Which ballast, and kelvin?
  12. heffe'

    M-land Super Grow Lights 300w Replaces HID 1000w

    Thanx 4 your info! I am definitely interested in these lights. would the 2700k or 6500k be a better spectrum choice?
  13. heffe'

    Fimming clones immediadiately???

    Hello, I'm curious whether clones can be fimmed as soon as they are put in2 rockwool. I have a narrow space and am designing a vertical grow SOG. I hope to keep the finished/mature plants short, bushy and far enough away from my light.
  14. heffe'

    M-land Super Grow Lights 300w Replaces HID 1000w

    Just heard back from china. They say US$535 shipped(DHL). I have emailed them back with more ??'s
  15. heffe'

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    Hello Heath, #1. I was wondering which 600w sunpulse MH you are using? #2. Electronic or magnetic ballast, & Brand? #3. Which Kelvin? Cheers :)
  16. heffe'

    M-land Super Grow Lights 300w Replaces HID 1000w

    The links seem to be to different chinese distributors?? I have tried to contact one, but haven't heard back yet. The only priced items in the US that I can find are on ebay. A guy in oregon who has sold 4 so far. Not sure where else to get them. I'm frightened of sending $$ to china. I'm...
  17. heffe'

    M-land Super Grow Lights 300w Replaces HID 1000w

    Yes, I agree chinese products vary greatly and it is a concern. Especially when the chinese ad at the manufacturers website is in semi-broken english. I used to work with a chinese sculptor who liked to point out that almost evrything was made in china. Wow, 85,000lm for 600w is alot. But if HID...
  18. heffe'

    M-land Super Grow Lights 300w Replaces HID 1000w

    Thanx Archaeo for the link. Someone is selling them on ebay. In the specs it states 15600~16,800lm, but looking closer the specs also state 400w when the auction is for 300w. the lights are available in 200, 300, and 400w, though the seller is only listing 200w & 300w lights for sale. So I'm not...
  19. heffe'

    M-land Super Grow Lights 300w Replaces HID 1000w

    I would only use an LED for cloning, these lights produce as much more penetrating power such as HID. I am designing a vertical grow with the light attached to a light mover, but instead of going back and forth I'm hanging the light on a cable running it thru a pulley and back to the light mover...