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  1. T

    1000 watt HPS... how many plants?

    9 easily with a 1000w HPS, you can actually do quite a few with a 1000w
  2. T

    What happened to my ladies?

    We are/were watering 1tb spoon a day, I can understand where you are coming from. After putting my finger into the soil it seems like its drying out (we used organic seed starting jiffy-mix) however sometimes it feels damp. Since we started them off in the jiffy pot its hard to test how wet the...
  3. T

    What happened to my ladies?

    hi first time grower...after much reading and consideration this is my setup. This is only temporary as we are constructing a permanent room for the ladies to grow in. Currently they are under 4x 36w 6500k flours @ 3.1k lumens 24/7. We usually water them at least once a day because it seems the...
  4. T

    Help!, drug test

    Buy fake piss, and have it overnighted to you. Thats the best way to go. Good luck!