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  1. T

    How am I doing

    Thanks mate. It's coming along. Not exactly as impressive and that monster you're harvesting but hey, I'm pretty happy with how this has gone so far.
  2. T

    A Noobs experiences...

    Howdy y'all, Just wanted to make intros and give you a bit of history of my growing exploits. Around this time last year, a friend put the idea of growing my own into my head, most of the local stuff is pure rubbish and any resin is one step up from Soap bar. It seemed like a challenge so I...
  3. T

    How am I doing

    Speaking as an amateur, your plant looks a lot like my first grow. The plant was a White widow and I really just wanted to see if it would grow so I went about growing it in soil with various fertilisers and a comparitively small amount of light. It grew tall, almost 4ft but it was spindley, too...
  4. T

    Drip Feed Hydro

    Cheers mate.
  5. T

    Drip Feed Hydro

    Greetings all. Apologies for the double post (I've asked this in the new members thread also) but I thought I should actually post the question in the appropriate forum: When using a drip hydro system should the water be dripping straight onto the rockwool or should I avoid watering directly...
  6. T

    Welcome New Members!

    Greetings all! I've been using the site as a reference for sometime now and thought it was about time I actually introduced myself. I'm on my second grow this year. First was a totally natural grow, in soil using Northern lights, WW and Purple strains - more of a test really to see what strains...