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  1. StupidEnuff

    Male or female?? give me the bad news :(:(

    well, my nites are as long as I want them. Timers and lights. Not saying the sun isn't the BEST way to go. ...just been trying NOT to be seen by helicopter. Yeahhhhh, you know what I mean, lol.
  2. StupidEnuff

    Male or female?? give me the bad news :(:(

    Has the dog been peeing on that plant? Hehe. A bit droopy.
  3. StupidEnuff

    Male or female?? give me the bad news :(:(

    Dude! Looking at the pics, notice how the "V" shaped sprout between stem and leaf is. That would be female. (...the good shit,lol) they will become white, and more will grow on top of those. That is the bud. If you happen to have a plant with about 5 hanging flower petals, MOVE IT AWAY! Is a...
  4. StupidEnuff


    Wait as long as possible. The more fuzzy sticky bulbs in the buds the better. (is the THC) Look at then thru a magnifying glass. BUT! Awww Mr ganja, An infraction? Cause I spoke out aginst Nazism in the US? But then again, you being from Northern Cal, ...well, your probably a...
  5. StupidEnuff

    Can anyone REALLY say anything bad about Fox News at this point?

    I gotta say. I believe in God. Yeah so I think pot is a good thing. God made it! But, ...with the life I live, perhaps we BOTH will come to wish we had lived differently. ...gotta say, I am NOT looking forward to THAT day.
  6. StupidEnuff

    Can anyone REALLY say anything bad about Fox News at this point?

    Well HOT DAMN! I am friggin' impressed. An 18 yr old kid that has values. NO, REALLY! Actually, an 18 yr old pot smokin' kid. (...sorry, not busting your baloons, lol. Just not used to hearing such things as an atta boy towards FoxNews. Yeah, they are the only news I care to check. What is it...