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  1. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    these r the 2 bulbs i was looking at getting, Medium Base. 50 Watts/4,000 Lumens. 24,000 Average Hour Life or maybe 70 watts/6700 lumens
  2. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    no :cry: i was using a shitty thermometer cuz i didnt have money to buy a digital one and everytime i planted sprouts they would pop up out of the ground and then stop growing, i guess because it was too hot(this happened like 3 times in the past week and a half). i got a digital thermometer the...
  3. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    id love to have a grow closet but until i get my own place im gonna have to stick with the pc box, i know all about low stress training but i didnt know that ur supposed to cut the tips too. do u cut the tips of each individual branch or what?
  4. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    yeah theres only 2 openings for my fans but im gonna tape a sheet of carbon fiber material over each fan vent and cover up all the minor leaks with electrical tape right before i start flowering but i just planted the germinated seeds yesterday so i wont have to worry about that for about a...
  5. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    haha yeah i def agree with u on that one man, i dont tell anyone about it except my 2 best friends and they wouldnt tell a soul cuz they r benifiting from my plants too :). snitches r bitches lol
  6. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    i would love to grow a nice BIG plant but i cant, it is locked up in a cabinet and its my rents that im hiding it from not a roommate, i see what ur saying but i use a pc box cuz its either that or nothing. id rather have to try and manage a small plant than no plants at all :) lol
  7. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    no problem man.... im using 2 26 watt cfls right now and it seems to be workin pretty good, its at 83-84 degrees and as u can see i have the bulbs maybe an inch or less away from the soil :)
  8. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    yeah and some of us have to keep there grows a secret so no one fucks with there shit and how the hell is the dea even gonna know what im doing or any of us.oh and if u didnt notice, theres plenty on people on here who r growing beautiful dank plants in pc boxes.... go look at pasttimes and...
  9. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    i actually just took out the metal tins though, i thought they would work but the metal was conducting too much heat and made the box shot up to 90 degrees
  10. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    new pictures again lol i couldnt make up my mind what to do with it but i like this idea...
  11. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    thank u. no not yes, i just planted my sproutlings this afternoon so i dont need to do that til flowering. i actually modified the one fan, i moved in to the side that is removable where a vent use to be and covered up the vent where the fan was mounted before. it seems to get way better airflow...
  12. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    sorry, id have to say about 3 inches after its screwed into the socket. it should fit, there just as long as the 15 watt bulbs but wider
  13. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    *new picture of how i have it setup now
  14. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    oh yeah and if it helps at all my pc box is about a foot and half tall, atleast 8 inches wide, and just as long as it is tall
  15. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    oh yeah, any ryder strain should be just fine just as long as its indica dominant but im pretty sure most ryder strains r mostly indica
  16. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    yeah u def. want to stick with an indica dominant strain for a pc box, look for plant height and any strains that r indica dominant and have a "short" plant height description r very ideal for pc boxes. personally im using some very nice looking seeds i picked out of some good buds i smoked a...
  17. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    right now im just using 2 15 watt cfls cuz i just planted the sproutlings about 5-6 hours ago. im gonna switch to the 2 26 watt cfls i have as soon as they pop up out of the soil. i can put 3 bulbs in my box but with 3 bulbs the temp gets up to around 87-88 degrees and thats no good for growing...
  18. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    thank u africangrower, thats exactly what i needed to know
  19. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    thats a good idea, i thought of that before but i didnt know if i had to have an intake fan or not or if i could just use both fans as exhaust fans. im gonna try what u suggested and see if the temp goes down at all, its at about 82-85 degrees right now so hopefully that will work. thanks for ur...
  20. Organic MJ 420

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    thanks man, i think im gonna use the scrog method for my first time since i have my rack setup the way it is. i just wanted to know if 2 26 watt cfls r enough to start 2 sprouts?.... i just planted them today, they were beautiful looking sprouts with hairs all over them