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    Essay On The Legalization Of Marijuana

    So I'm writing an essay on the legalization of marijuana for a school paper and I just figured i would post what I have so far on here. Feel free to give me any criticism you can dish out but try to be fairly positive at least. I can show any citations if your interested as well. Plus any...
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    getting prepared for my first outdoor grow next season

    ahh. yea i'm working on that as well. i've read that you can prevent alot of animals by peeing around your crops. haha. and another method being placing strings around the area to spook animals. my main fear is with insects
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    getting prepared for my first outdoor grow next season

    that sounds like a good deal haha. too bad i don't have one in my town. i don't mind goin out of town to get it though
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    getting prepared for my first outdoor grow next season

    alright. well i think i've got the business end worked out pretty well. i'm keeping notes of what i put in. and all the people that helped me out with seeds are gonna get some free weed out of it the first go around. and that will bring more customers. and i'm starting on bag seed which i have...
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    getting prepared for my first outdoor grow next season

    alright so i'm getting ready for my first outdoor grow. i know whats key here is fertilizer. I'm figuring that if i go to a local plant shop i can find some good fertilizer that isn't infested with those time release pellets and if i can't find the right npk mixture i'll just try and use some...
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    hmmm sometimes even the weed can't take the pain away..

    thanks fininho! to JustAnotherFriedDay : i totally understand all that. i've been trying to work with her and everything. idk she juss changed all of the sudden like one day she was great next day on totally different! but i get what you mean and thanks for the help :)
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    hmmm sometimes even the weed can't take the pain away..

    do it man! words are mans freedom regardless of status
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    hmmm sometimes even the weed can't take the pain away..

    alright totally reformatted and ready to read haha
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    Starting Your Seeds

    i've grown a lot of different plants myself but cannabis is something i juss started. i'm ready for the spring to get near though so i can start growing big time. the soils good here in alabama so i have to use little to no fertilizers for anything. but could i grow without fertilizers with...
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    The 5 word story

    making origami in a closet full
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    VIDEO: Legalizing Marijuana: Times They Are A-Changin’

    thats cool. i've kinda thought all along it could easily be legal. i mean everyone says theres so much work that would have to go into it. but honestly, bein high is kinda like bein drunk in an aspect but your smoking. so why not juss mix the rules together. but at the same time the big...
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    hmmm sometimes even the weed can't take the pain away..

    alright i'll try to space it out lol. i never think to well when i'm high :p
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    hmmm sometimes even the weed can't take the pain away..

    so yea i been goin through some crazy shit for goin on a year now.. I'm pretty sure everyone has had hard times like this.. but yea the story. me and her dated for a while and i really cared about her ya know thoughts of marriage and shit. but things went wrong and now still i can't get out of...
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    stolen seedling any tips?

    this is why marijuana is illegal nearly everywhere. if you have so many seeds why are you not growing them instead honestly. sure the guy shouldn't have grown it outside. but still man. i have an enormous amount of seeds and you nearly always get like 5 seeds in a bag. why not experiment. so...
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    Favorite Porn Star ever

    lol man that creeps me out in porn haha you see a guy cum like a half gallon.. its crazy. like they have a 3rd sack haha.
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    Favorite Porn Star ever

    totally man! theres this one girl i think shes called katja kassin or something and she has a pretty nice but. but the real good stuff is hard to find without paying for it lol. and honestly i juss don't like porn that much :p
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    Favorite Porn Star ever

    my favorite pornstar has got to be teagan presley! i am all about some big butt women and she has either got one or she knows how to make it look that way lol
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    Lookin for a new pipe!?

    wow i looked on that site and found one instantly that i wanted! thanks man. i'm gonna get it sometime in the next two weeks after my check rolls in
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    Lookin for a new pipe!?

    i guess i'll have to go to a bigger town lol. no porn stores here haha. theres only one gas station here and they only sell a few spoon pipes. the chillums or whatever there called lol. they used to have water pipes. but i didn't see any when i went in today. I'm ready to get a kickass one...
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    Lookin for a new pipe!?

    I've been smokin out of cans and blunts and joints for quite a while now and I've decided i juss wanna get a nice pipe! cans are okay but they are juss terrible on you lungs and can kill brain cells. joints and blunts are all good but all that smoke that files out while i'm holding my last hit...