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  1. J

    Live chat mods are assholes

    allright i just thought since they were selected as mods they wouldnt be un just asshole
  2. J

    Live chat mods are assholes

    they kicked me cause one mod said "you dont wanna argue with me" so i said "if you want me to argue with you ill be happy to" baaam kicked, these guys are total assholes, also i was having a civilized debate with someone on there , the other person throwing out personal attacks and immature...
  3. J

    Lava Lamp light

    i just said i have 3 energy saving bulbs
  4. J

    Lava Lamp light

    i have 3 1600 evergy saving bulbs but its just the bulbs nothing that connects it to the thing that plugs into wall
  5. J

    Lava Lamp light

    ill let you know what happens also im not germinating putting it in 12/12 right away
  6. J

    Lava Lamp light

    fans are to noisy and i cant fit more lights in it
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    Lava Lamp light

    thanks for the tips but im still going to try
  8. J

    Lava Lamp light

    Hi I have a cardboard box probably about 20 cm long 20 cm wide and 60 cm deep and i plant on cutting a hole in the top and putting a lava lamp light on top, but im not gonna use fans or anything will this work
  9. J

    Ontario Outdoor

    But If i plant it at the right time will the clones be strong enough to start growing outside? Like if I do it may 24 weekend or something? Can I just plant the clones straight into the ground?
  10. J

    Ontario Outdoor

    I can't grow mine inside. I'm going to buy clones of a friend, can I just plant the clones outdoors right away?
  11. J

    Is it to late to start growing outdoors?

    Im going to plant by jully. Thanks for the info.
  12. J

    Is it to late to start growing outdoors?

    Well, is it?
  13. J

    Just wondering

    Hey, I'm going to be growing in a DWC system and I was wondering, do I fill the watter up to the top, where like the net pot is in the water to, or do I just fill it like 3/4 and let the roots drop down?
  14. J

    Pictures of My Brownies...Or What's Left

    mmmmmm those brownies look good
  15. J

    Just ordered some spores and a growbag

    Nice, what type are they?
  16. J

    Clones/Seedlings/Mothers in DWC

    Ok so, mothers are fine in it, clones will be fine when they get a bit bigger,I dont quite understand what I am sapose to do with the seedlings.
  17. J

    Clones/Seedlings/Mothers in DWC

    Hey everyone, I was just wondering, when I start to grow im going to be useing a DWC system, can I use a DWC system for Clones / seedlings / mothers? Thanks, jtwg
  18. J

    Whats the best way to grow?

    Hey everyone, I was wondering. What is the best way to grow weed? Like wich way would get the most bud if you use the exact same grow room/lights/nutrients and stuff like that? This is just my noob question cause im thinking about growing and I want to know the best way, and don't just say ways...
  19. J

    Hows this?

    I'm kinda a noob at this but I have read alot of stuff on the internet, I'm not good at building stuff so what would you guys recomend me getting instead?
  20. J

    Hows this?

    12 Pod Detatchable Pod System Im planing on useing this when get an apartment what does everyone think?