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  1. L

    First harvest about 5 days into drying up the 9 harvested plants bad times :(

    You would be surprised I actually know my stuff about cannabis just not the whole curing part haha, cheers!
  2. L

    First harvest about 5 days into drying up the 9 harvested plants bad times :(

    We did hang them in a dark room before we placed them into jars. Plus I'm a girl...
  3. L

    First harvest about 5 days into drying up the 9 harvested plants bad times :(

    To be honest it wasn't wet when we placed them into the jars. The jars caused the dampness even though we checked everyday and gave them a breather etc. I think the change in the weather didn't help as soon as we started curing them. It is freezing and the air seems real damp =( We both...
  4. L

    First harvest about 5 days into drying up the 9 harvested plants bad times :(

    I think were both gonna try save them first by chopping the mold off and pray that it isn't all the way through, But we will take the "Hash Oil" into consideration but It's still such a shame =(
  5. L

    First harvest about 5 days into drying up the 9 harvested plants bad times :(

    I don't think he would enjoy watching his buds moldy or not be turned into such a small amount of oil =( Even though I'm not a smoker anymore I don't think i could watch him do this either.... Thanks for the advice though and for the luck!
  6. L

    First harvest about 5 days into drying up the 9 harvested plants bad times :(

    By the sounds of it we put the weed into the jars too early at 2 or 3 days (memory not too good) I'm writing this post on behalf of my partner and I'm really gutted that i was the one to break the news to him about something he has tried his hardest to do over the past few months and now has...
  7. L

    First harvest about 5 days into drying up the 9 harvested plants bad times :(

    Hello everyone, Had taken advice from various users on the site to dry my buds off in jars in a dark but airy cupboard. But now after 5 days i see mold and I am really angry! Is there anything i can do to stop the mold from getting worse and still be able to save my first harvest =( Any help...
  8. L

    Have they just stopped growing

    thanks for the advice. I dont think i will manage to find bigger pots or more soil :( but I realise now for next time. Will my bud still be smokable?
  9. L

    Have they just stopped growing

    Hi all I've had my 9 plants (in sq/m) flowering for 44 days. (they vegged for about 32 days too) For the last 1 week or 10days I notice not a lot of bud development on the top of the plants. There is a nice chunk (about the size of a pack of 10 cigs) on the tops but they were like that 2...
  10. L

    Nearing the End ! :) Some Advice please

    thanks for replying but i dont have a camera. anyway i tight small weights to the top and bent it over. it looks good to me now but the one scragler is still looking sparse on the bud front
  11. L

    Nearing the End ! :) Some Advice please

    No chance of moving it but will leave in there and tie down as you guys suggested. I just thought u'd get more productivity from the healthy planys in the space. Thanks a lot people
  12. L

    Nearing the End ! :) Some Advice please

    Yeh, i read about that but tere is very limited space and it intrudes even more on the healthy ones. The worst thing is that I have to have the lights 2+ feet away from the healthy plants to keep it enough away from the crap lanky ones (and the lanky ones dont have any colas, just little pockets...
  13. L

    Nearing the End ! :) Some Advice please

    Hi Thanks to all at rollitup for all your help. I have 9 plants in just over a sq/m Budbox (4 lemon skunk, 5 Flying Dragon) and they are almost 6 weeks into flowering Most are looking lovely but there are 2 lanky, strackley ones (about a foot or more above the rest) so I have of course...
  14. L

    plant getting too tall

    Nothing on youtube at all. Can't find any vids. But I think I should be able to figure out how to tie it down without snapping it
  15. L

    plant getting too tall

    cheers will do
  16. L

    plant getting too tall

    I've got nine plants under a 400w and they are doing lovely. THey are over 3 weeks into flowering and SOME of them are about 7-8inchs above the smallest and occasionally get the tops above into darkness. When i move the lighting the middle ones (i put the short ones in middle) are about 14in...
  17. L

    Burned Leaves? what to do with 'em?

    Thanks for all the help guys. I will leave 'em on there as there are parts that are still green. I cant post piccies coz i have no camera. Thanks again for all the answers
  18. L

    Burned Leaves? what to do with 'em?

    Hi, I have read many posts and checked Google for a while but kep getting different answers. Im growing under 400w HPS and Im nearly 3 weeks into flowering. The middle plant of my 9 (3x3) got too cose to the bulb whilst I was away at work and no the top section of leaves are yellow and singed...