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    Religion Has Done More Bad Than Good

    Thank you CrackerJax... However I must decline as I have no desire to talk about 9/11 fiasco ... My long winded point was to show you folks that the media in the UK and the world is being manipulated by higher powers. Just because something is not official it does not mean that it is not true...
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    Religion Has Done More Bad Than Good

    What evidence do I need to give you (i have given you a tiny bit and you choose not to believe) will you only believe once you have been told by the tv or your goverment ?????? Crackerjax... come on man... do you believe that people go into goverment ... law etc ...for our interest ? Does...
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    Religion Has Done More Bad Than Good

    oh... I never did say the reporter was in with it.... This is the point you dont understand. I believe and many others do that she only read a script handed down to her, she had no clue, eventually she disapeard for awhile and held no interviews... I believe she was not aloud to talk about it...
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    Religion Has Done More Bad Than Good

    PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!!!! Because Pinkus says so ????????? SandMonkey… knows it all… because he has been told Conspiracy theories are just conspiracy theories and that’s it (quote by Bush). MMMM interesting. Conspiracy theories can not be...
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    Religion Has Done More Bad Than Good

    There is no such thing as good or bad ? think about it..... We all have to TRY and live by the law and some cases religion law aswell. Law and Religion Tells us what is right or wrong, and we should all know that Law and religion is always changing therefore there must be a case for saying that...