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  1. M

    My First Grow For Fun

    6 October 2009 – Today it’s confirmed….”Sara” is a girl! I am still waiting on “Shana” to show sex. I am thinking “Shana” may be male only because she is growing just like“Merry” and “Merry” ended up being male...
  2. M

    My First Grow For Fun

    3 October 2009 - All are doing well and growing. “Jane” is 32”, “Sara” 19” and “Shana” 14” not counting pot they are in. I am still waiting to see sex on “Sara” and “Shana”.
  3. M

    My First Grow For Fun

    29 September 2009 - Last night I transplanted "Jane" into a larger container and also "Sara". I purchased more soil and lights last night so I will be transplanting "Shana" into a larger container later today. I soaked 4 seeds over night and will be putting them in 12oz soil cups today. The...
  4. M

    NEED HELP ASAP. plz!

    Hi I by far am not an expert but in my opinion I would do 12/12 from start. Why I say this... I am currently doing my first grow and journal and started in a larger space then a pc case (18" deep, 40" wide, 23" height)and with cfl's. I started my 4 plants on 18/6 and when they were 32 days old...
  5. M

    Yes I got green eyes...LOL! I don't have msn I have yahoo. Nice grow!

    Yes I got green eyes...LOL! I don't have msn I have yahoo. Nice grow!
  6. M

    My First Grow For Fun

    Merry (Max now) was put into 12/12 at 34 days and Jane, Sara and Shana were 32 days when they went 12/12. I put Merry and Jane into 12/12 on 20 September and it only took 6 days for them to show sex. Sara and Shana went to 12/12 on 25 September so I am hoping they show sex in 6 days like Merry...
  7. M

    Could Someone Help Me Identify These Please

    I will have to read up on that. This is my first grow so everything new to me.
  8. M

    Could Someone Help Me Identify These Please

    Thank you all for the quick replies...he's going in the trash now.
  9. M

    My First Grow For Fun

    28 September 2009 - Well since the last time I posted...All have been really growing! I had to make a new grow area in a closet because they kept out growing two original grow spaces. I started 12/12 on Merry and Jane 20th Sep and on 25th Sep started Shana and Sara on 12/12. So far Jane showed...
  10. M

    Could Someone Help Me Identify These Please

    Hi This is my very first grow. Thanks to all that has contributed so much useful information on this site it made a first grow go smoothly so far. Both my plants below are 6 weeks old and I have been on 12/12 for 8 days. The first photo I know is a female. Is the second photo a male? Thanks in...
  11. M

    Take A Look... Is This A Male?

    Hi! This is my first grow and thanks a bunch to all that contributed so much great information on this site to help new growers out. I confirmed one of my plants is a female with the little white hairs. Is the photo below the signs of a male on this plant. Thanks ahead for the answer. Edit...
  12. M

    My First Grow For Fun

    Sep 15th 2009 – I watered on 14th Sept and set the light schedule 16/8. In another 2 weeks I will have my flower area finished and will move “Merry” and “Jane” to start flower cycle. All are doing well and growing!
  13. M

    My First Grow For Fun

    Sep 12th 2009 - “Merry”, “Jane”, “Sara” and “Shana” are all doing great and growing! They are bouncing back from a little nute burn, growing and touching lights getting mild leaf burn, over watering and being transplanted many times to correct mishaps. All in all they are doing wonderful...
  14. M

    My First Grow For Fun

    Sep 8th 2009 – I purchased different soil and pots and transplanted all three. I also watered them with some Sweet Grape and added more lighting. They are all under 8 - 26 watt daylight 6500K & 1 – 23 watt warm 3000K cfl’s. Sep 10th 2009 – I put “Shana” outside almost a week ago until I got...
  15. M

    So do you leave your lights on when you are not home?

    This was in our news not too long ago...
  16. M

    what happened?????

    High...I am new to growing...doing first grow now but had the same problem as you. After reading alot of useful information on this site it help me correct my problems. I thought I had good soil (feeds up to 9 months) but it had nutes already in it so every time I watered it was getting to many...
  17. M

    My First Grow For Fun

    Sep 5th 2009 – Today “Merry” is 19 days, “Jane” 17 days and “Sara” 12 days. “Shana” ended up not making it when I put her outside until I got more lights. On 1st Sept I noticed yellow and browning of leaves, mild drooping and not wanting to grow as usual. I transplanted all because I think...
  18. M

    My First Grow For Fun

    Aug 30th 2009 - I will be adding more cfl's sometimes this week.
  19. M

    My First Grow For Fun

    Aug 29th 2009 – The girls (hopefully) are growing!
  20. M

    My First Grow For Fun

    Aug 28th 2009 – Today I moved my power strips and light fixtures around in grow cabinet for the growing plants. Watered all today.