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  1. X

    Beyond Newbie!

    Hi, everyone! I'm new to growing, actualy I never have tried/thought about growing buds before. I discover a seed in one of my bags I purchased from a "Pharmicist" I tried the germination process called "paper towel" I left it in a dark cupbord above my refridgerator,which is really warm, I then...
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    What would you do with 100 Million dollars...

    FIRST I would make my girl sign a prenub! I would never buy weed! I would buy a house in a tropical enviroment. Not too big of a house neither. I would then buy the ultimate entertainment tv/videogame/computer. Rich people clothing. Then the most important thing of all a greenhouse with every...
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    what about if i let the plant be outside until september then bring it inside?
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    Stem Tea??

    New Idea Chocklate milk! Why not empty the tea bag then fill it with bud Boil Milk with fat then add choclate syrupt then dip the tea bag in the choclate milk! I just thought about that!
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    I live in the North Eastern part of the USA and I recently founded couple of seeds from some bud I had Purchase. One was really dark and the other was much lighter in color. I decided to germinate them, however I want to plant them outside, but summer is almost over, and I don't want the plants...