What would you do with 100 Million dollars...


Active Member
My friends and people around me are having hypes about hitting the lotto. LOL
Yes its funny but you never know...
We were so high today and was just talking about what we would do with 100 million dollars if you won the lotto. After taxes that is...

Explain how you would spend...What cars you would buy.. Where you would want to live....What stuff you would do...


Well-Known Member
i would buy a house that would have to be fat as hell and have a fat bacement and then i would set up a fat grow room and grow some weed i would also buy shit tuns of soler pannels so i have no electricol bill and i think that would be like 3 mill most for that so idk what i would do with the rest lol
I would spend half of it on trying to get Medical MJ laws passed in every state. Money does talk. The other half, well, lets just say I would own my own island.


you want to know what i would do?

i would pay whats left of the payments on my mothers house, and promptly buy myself one as well

a small house, 2 bedrooms...one for me and one for... well you know

quit my job because i hate it

and live a non chalant chill life while i invested 75% of it in gold coins

just life a normal life stick with my car

prob eat out more but every knows what happens to people that win the lottery and spend...

they end up filing bankruptcy later


Calyx LED
I would design and build a nice house for myself and family. Nothing crazy and huge, just will have everything I want. :bigjoint: Set my parents up nice. Gotta rep for the rents! Haha. I would spend 10 Million on high grade marijuana seeds, rent an airplane and fly over the US dumping mad quantities of seeds all over. I would also buy an Audi RS4 just because they are titties. I don't need any more car than that. I would secure at least half of it in assets, like an island or some shit. Otherwise I would blow it all on hookers and cocaine. JK, but seriously.


i would buy 100 million double cheese burgers from mcdonalds


Design a sweet house somewhere in Central Cali, like 40 miles from the coast. That would probably run me 5 million. Do the same with each of my siblings and parents, give em all enough cash to last atleast 10 years. Spend my days designing and building all the things I come up with and have the ultimate grow operation on the side. I'd also love to produce a few movies with some friends, maybe build a few action park type deals that I've had in my head for a while. I've always wanted to go around and give all the people I like $5,000. How sweet would that be if a friend of yours won the lotto and gave you 5G's!? lol, that would be awesome! Idk, that would be some awesome shit though!

I'm a member of another forum where this guy won the lotto, 63 Million! He invited everyone from the forum to a party in Amsterdam and flew them all out, all his close friends from the site! How sick is that?!
FIRST I would make my girl sign a prenub! I would never buy weed! I would buy a house in a tropical enviroment. Not too big of a house neither. I would then buy the ultimate entertainment tv/videogame/computer. Rich people clothing. Then the most important thing of all a greenhouse with every strain of seed of mary jane from hindu kush to big bud! I would have the best irrigation and lighting system! I would probaly then go 2 costco and shop for food! Nothing but sex, weed , and food..............oh yea drinks mofos!

BTW PAid in full parents 5 mill
mom 1 mill
dad 1 mill
Grandparents 5 mill
everyone else 1 hundred thousand
brother 5 mill paid in full for any university he goes too!

use an olympic size swimming pool for my gravity bong!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I would spend half of it on trying to get Medical MJ laws passed in every state. Money does talk. The other half, well, lets just say I would own my own island.
when you have that much money, i agree, you gotta do something useful and such with it, that others can think wow, ta!

i'd then spend the other half on shares in tesco, i wanna walk in with my "i ent paying for shit!" hat andjust have shopping trolley munchie madness without queues and such :D

and a tank!


Well-Known Member
i would invest it all and live off the intrest it generates which would be a lot,,i actually would be alright with just 1 million and be able to live large off the interest

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
put it in a brown paper bag and throw it off the face of a cliff
That's probably the best answer, because a lot of BS is going to come along with that kind of money.

I'd become self sufficient, wind turbines on "the ranch". pool, plane, cars, bikes, full time mechanics lol

Lawyers, bankers, babes

Then I'd feed the poor, and set them up to feed themselves...

the other half would be invested in gold, commodities, stocks, bonds, real estate (farm land mostly)

It's good to dream


Well-Known Member
good question when ur blown lol,

makes u think...
i wud pay off all of my families debts and bills,
i wud then buy my mother a nice house ranch up north with horses and chicken and that kind of stuff,
id get each of my sisters a house and give them each 10 mill,
id pay for the best medication and doctors for my dad (diabetes)
then id help my friends out with like 100 K each,

then id get me a few acres of land and build a nice comfy home,
with a custom basement with a secret hidden door that leads to a BEAUTIFUL grow room,
id also have a top of the line recording studio,

yes id spoil myself cause i wud be able 2!
i wud invest in realestate and bonds,
and when i have children i wud pay off their college and buy them a house for when they graduate college and maybe a car if they do good in school.
but thats all i wud do for my kids, wudnt want them to be complete slobs,

my house would have a panic room


Active Member
Pockett 5 million. Im not a greedy person so i might as well share the wealth with friends and family. The wats ever left ove r goes to charity...