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  1. R

    6" plant dying

    I had my babies under 2 40watt fluors and they were pretty much touching the bulbs with no burnage what-so-ever. The CFL's are a different story. I had a leaf touch one for about 5 minutes and got a nice little burn ring and a great smell.
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    strange fact on marj

    WTF...I want what he's having LOL
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    I don't really know what Rep does but y'all got some RS
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    do you know anyone who has gotten busted personally?

    I can't say I know anyone thats been busted EVER. Everyone I know puffs and is kinda relaxed with it, Smoking at concerts, driving around in the car, in the backyard, but nobody's been busted. Where I live even if you're not legal it's just a ticket for anything less than an ounce and the...
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    COURT SUPPORT Joseph Malone AUGUST 20 - Victim of Operation Green Rx

    He doesn't have a lawyer?!?!?! PHUCK THAT.
  6. R


    Thanks for the info. What brand do you use and where to purchase? Guess I'll just use my shiney new digi to test the water before it goes in. RS
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    Like cheap as in the 8 dollar ones from Lowes/Home depot? I heard bad reviews on them but if it works for you I'm game.
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    Whats the best way then? I've read all sorts of threads that said to water them and test the first bit that comes out??? Not trying to call you out at all...Just trying to learn Thanks for the help RS
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    I know I did....I grew up in VA...People always trying to pull that SH!T. Doesn't fly around here:leaf:
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    So I got myself a digital PH meter and tested for the first time. My tap water PH was 8.0 which I've been feeding them without knowing any better. What really scares me is my runoff was 6.5. Does this mean my soil PH is 5.0 or is my math way off? If so how the phuck does this happen when the...
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    Dude- Phuck Schwag...Not worth wasteing a rolling paper even. Mids is just someone trying to overcharge you for schwag...Definately not worth it. 1/8 of goods - $50 around here RS
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    Colorado Dispensary Straight form the CO dept of health. It's still really grey if you check it out. They even left a huge loop hole "As much is medically necessary" which hasn't yet been defined by the courts. I read an article recently...
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    Passing a drug test?

    Use caution on the creatine...They usually test for high levels.
  14. R

    Passing a drug test?

    I know for a fact that the water thing works. Drink as much water as you can that AM and make sure you piss a few times before and that it's completely clear. Your body can only process so much water before it just starts dumping it without giving it a chance to pick up any toxins in your...
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    Howdy y'all...Newbie Here

    Thanks a bunch for the advice...I was beginning to think nobody was reading my thread. I've already invested too much this week to put a good PH meter in the budget but it's definately on my short list. I figure for now I'll just run to lowes and grab some test strips to at least give me an...
  16. R

    switching to 12-12

    Ok so I get the technique behind super cropping but I don't see how it'll work on my ladies (forgive me I'm new). My ladies are single stalks with just leaves coming off. How do all you guys have like 5 stems? Do they sprout a new one one the first gets bent? They're NL+BB BTW. Thanks RS
  17. R

    Howdy y'all...Newbie Here

    2nd Update: I just can't seem to stop overwatering! I lift the pot....Feels light, soil looks dry, kinda pulling away from the sides. I water until I see a couple drops come out and the ladies droop right over within a couple hours of watering. I've been pokeing holes in the soil and I think my...
  18. R

    Howdy y'all...Newbie Here

    Update: Woke the ladies up from their nap and they're standing nice and tall, they've even grown about 1/2". Looks like I'm out of the woods on my latest Phuckup.:clap:
  19. R

    The way I got out of jail

    We've always had the rule that whoever has the most on them takes the blame for it all...No point in everyone going down plus where I live less that 1 ounce is a ticket. This is of course if you have too much to eat :)