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  1. mikemadsen

    Copenhagen!!! Now we are all really screwed!!

    Its not really unreasonable at all to believe something like this could happen. So much power has become concentrated in the hands of so few,and those few are so detached from most people's reality, a thing like this could easily happen. But you know, whatdya do? Write congress? bitch about it...
  2. mikemadsen

    Copenhagen!!! Now we are all really screwed!!

    I'm freakin out , maaan..
  3. mikemadsen

    Little shithead get's maced by trannsexual for making fun of him/her.

    wish you could see the the actual mace spray scene in a little more detail..... .. "Its a fucking camera phone for chrissakes! Whaddya want?"... thats true. Funny shit though
  4. mikemadsen

    outdoor plant camouflage

    lost my digital camera at the hands of a 3 yr old. ....won't even turn on anymore.
  5. mikemadsen

    outdoor plant camouflage

    ok thanks. Yeah, i am guessing flowering to start in early september and mebbe harvest (if female) in october....But again, this is my first try and i don't know... thanks for the tips , i will check out the LST, and i like the bush ideas for temporary cover....
  6. mikemadsen

    outdoor plant camouflage

    Hello all, first time grower here. Have one plant outside since early to mid july. Its about 18 inches to two feet high. Stem is thick, plant doing excellent. I'm concerned about neighbors spotting the plant as it grows taller. There's a large bush beside it (maybe 3 + feet tall) and some...
  7. mikemadsen

    Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

    there's also the new testament command to remain sober. It comes down to what you can come to peace with between you and your god or you and your conscience. It takes some time and living to accept what you are and are not and find comfort in the life you choose to lead. No one has a monopoly on...