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  1. S

    Single Back Yard Plant

    UPDATE?!?!?! I lost track of the weeks of flowering so far. Can anyone give me an estimate??
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    Single Back Yard Plant

    that is very tight. I don'thave that much time and decided to just leaveit be and let her grow and prosper. more pictures to come soon :)
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    Single Back Yard Plant

    thank you very much. I looked into that already its only my third day spraying the plant. I went to local store and bought some bug kill spray forgot the name. but seems to be working good. there is less and less spots.
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    Single Back Yard Plant

    Well it would be a partially flowered clone so would it take awhile for the roots to dig in and shit. and yes winter is big here so my plant will be done flowering before it will die and hybernate.
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    Single Back Yard Plant

    Ya I won't be able to do the florescent light. Is it possible to just take a clone and put it in my yard and it will still grow fine?
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    Single Back Yard Plant

    ahah well thank you all damn. It's seed. I am thinking about taking a clone off but will that stop the clone from flowering? I was thinking cloning and putting in a different spot so it flowers faster and I can worry less about the big plant and just let her grow.
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    Single Back Yard Plant

    So for the past couple months I have been growing a plant in my backyard and figured because I am new I would show I am not just some lurker. Its about a week into flowering right now. Pictures:
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    Sideways (Captain) HOOK Leaves, Help Diagnose

    Same thing happened to my plant outdoors. just one leaf though. I am not to worried though.
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    Hello. I have about a 4 foot tall outdoor plant that is just starting to flower, but I see tiny little orange bugs. Like insanely small. Almost smaller than a grain of sand. There isn't loads but i saw some and with how small they are I am sure there is many more hidden. What should I do...