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  1. W

    2009 Early Start Monster Outdoor Competition

    Ya just me on my pat malone (alone). I pounded 8 foot metal fence posts in the ground and wrapped them but its a joke now they have all overgrown every thing. I have the trellis netting just gonna cinch them up like christmas trees when the time comes. i dont get down off the hill only once a...
  2. W

    2009 Early Start Monster Outdoor Competition

    sorry if its blurry its my kids phone cam. good luck to all. october is cumming. :fire:
  3. W

    gnats easiest way 2 kill them +rep for help

    Use preditory nemetodes. I had em last year outdoors. they come in a sponge and u just pour em on as u were watering. Fungus gnats show up when u overwater so check that. It will work sure. good luck
  4. W

    2009 Early Start Monster Outdoor Competition

    Yes your math skills are a tribute to public education. I got some pics on my phone i will try to post em. I got new pics too but i cant figure out how to get them online. But whatever the case i will do more this year. I will get some pics then u can say sorry for doubting. Cheers
  5. W

    Big Bud Strain?

    I dunno what u guys are bitchin about ? I did 16 pots last year and putout 72 lbs of quality so good luck. These beauts are lookin good, perhaps you should look inwards if your havin problems with this strain. I got no complaints.
  6. W

    Big Bud Strain?

    I have 12 bb/nl i started from seed in march. They have been budding for two weeks and are over 12 ' and big around as oleander bushes. They look more sativa to me than indica, especially the size of the sluts. I will post how much i get off the bitches. I have blue dream and sweet tooth...
  7. W

    2009 Early Start Monster Outdoor Competition

    In any case... i started nirvana bigbudxnorthern lights germing them in late march and veged them for a month under 1000's placing them under the sun on may 21. I have 12 footers now and am just starting to flower. How do i put a pic up here on this site, hell i cant even find a way to start a...
  8. W

    2009 Early Start Monster Outdoor Competition

    can i still get in on this... i am new here but i got some big mamas ............?