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  1. redredwine

    how'r they look'n

    hey guys, here are some more pics from day 51. any feedback would be great
  2. redredwine

    my 1st grow CFL

    any one? plus +rep for the help:joint:
  3. redredwine

    my 1st grow CFL

    how much longer do you think untill i should chop em?
  4. redredwine

    my 1st grow CFL

    bump bump any comments?
  5. redredwine

    my 1st grow CFL

    alright guys, shit load of pics up. i harvested the lil one and got 2.7 dry off and its great! im surprised it made it at all. here are pics of my other girl on day 49 of flower. im guna let her go until day 60 then chop, but i do plan on revegin her so ill leave a bit on still. and then two...
  6. redredwine

    how can you tell if uv got bud rot?

    idk bro, looks to me like u just got some stinky ass bud:hump:, i dnt see anything there that looks like bud rot
  7. redredwine

    wet grass smell

    yea tht could be it, i harvested this one early just cuz i couldnt hold out ne more, but it was a really small girl and im def guna wait out for my other one to fully ripen. heres the link if ne of you wana check it out.
  8. redredwine

    wet grass smell

    yea ill try not to burp the as much, as i figure that if anything it will slow down the curing process. im just so paranoid about that damn bud rot!!!! iv read like 3 threads yesterday about people getting bud rot and i refuse to let that happen to me haha. and no prob screwed up, u help people...
  9. redredwine

    my 1st grow CFL

    hey guys update here. i chopped the lil one down, early i know, but i wanted to see what i had goin on and dryed it for 3 days and its been curing for one. it was 5.7 wet, 2.4 dry. not alot but im surprissed the plant even made it all the way. it still has that grassy smell due to it only being...
  10. redredwine

    wet grass smell

    hey yea thanks, i dont know the strain, but i smoked a bowl of it and it was smooth as hell with a pretty good taste. and yea im burping them way more than 2 times a day bc im paranoid about bud rot. its my first grow and dont want to loose it. but yea i guess ill just wait and be patient. if...
  11. redredwine

    wet grass smell

    so i have some of my harvested bud curing in a sealed jar for about 4 days and it still smells like wet grass. its covered in resin and looks and smokes very good, but it doesnt have that dank smell. any one know how much longer untilll it starts to get that dank smell back?
  12. redredwine

    how can you tell if uv got bud rot?

    could be. excess moisture causes it. if you begin curing to soon and dont let the moisture out it causes it, misting plants while the bud is developing can cause it, but i think that your humidity would have to be really high to cause it
  13. redredwine

    Reverting back to vegetative growth?

    def dont cut the roots bro!!! all you have to do is leave the bottom set of fan leaves and harvest the rest, put into 24 light and it will begin new growth. if your switching to soil take the plant out of our system and put into soil but if you cut the roots it will die
  14. redredwine

    how can you tell if uv got bud rot?

    if you could get a pic up youll be able to get an answer alot quicker
  15. redredwine

    what happens if.....

    wouldnt i take some from the top since its more matured? and will the rest of the plant just keep maturing or will its stress the plant to hermie?
  16. redredwine

    what happens if.....

    i chop off part off the main cola? i just want enough for a bowl pack or so.
  17. redredwine

    lights on or off?

    so im leaving on a friday afternoon, and instead of turning the lights off at 10pm and then turning them back on at 10 am the next day, ill be gone untill monday afternoon. i dont have a timer so which is better leaving the lights on or leaving them off? my girls are 44 days into flowering...
  18. redredwine

    drying buds in a drawer?

    do they actually smell more though when drying?
  19. redredwine

    drying buds in a drawer?

    yea i know im just worried theyll smell alot more when their drying. is that true or not?
  20. redredwine

    drying buds in a drawer?

    is it safe to dry buds lying down in a wooden drawer?