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  1. M

    How can I avoid being caught

    The heat/color signature of MJ is very close to tomato plants from a chopper.
  2. M

    When should i start flowingg

    Get another clamp light housing and a splitter, then hit her with all four bulbs
  3. M

    flowering probelm

    It's feeding itself from the fan leaves to produce buds.
  4. M

    AutoFlower growers unite!!!!! (pics welcome)

    Afghan Kush Ryder flowering under 24/0. Only about 14-16 inches tall, but filling in nicely, and covered in trichs. Will adding a dark period increase yield?
  5. M

    female clone turning male?

    Hermie expert here, keep plucking. You're chances of plucking ALL of them is very close to zero. Some will hide in the flowers until it is too late. Smoke will still be OK, a few seeds to practice with too. Not really all as bad as everyone says. If it's a stressed hermie, use that pollen to...
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    Ugly Duckling Seedling

    Sometimes they grow crazy mad, keep it, use it as a learning tool.
  7. M

    Miracle Grow

    All good advice. I did see the superthrive and bat guano available here. I'm three grows in and have used MG on all, but you can't use much of it.
  8. M

    Miracle Grow

    IF MG was your only available nutes, would you use the regular type, or tomato type? Or another type all together?
  9. M

    getting a hermie

    Female stressed to hermie, use THAT pollen on another female = feminized seeds. I did it and I got 19 females and 1 male out of the first twenty beans I planted.
  10. M

    Are hermaphrodite seeds vialble?

    The pollen from a female stressed to hermie is used to pollinate another female equals feminized seeds. You just have to be sure it's stress causing the hermie. I did it when I was practicing with bagseed and out of the next twenty or so I planted I got one male, and zero hermies.
  11. M

    Is cross-pollination a problem?

    If a female hermies due to stress, (not genetically predisposed) and pollinates another female, you will get feminized seeds. I had a female hermie and pollinate itself. The next 20 I planted of those seeds produced one male, one hermie and 18 ladies. Just my experience.
  12. M

    great cfls how many do i need ..?

    higher spectrum (k) for veg, lower spectrum for flowering. A usual mix is 60-75 percent higher k for veg, and flip to 60-75 percent lower k for flower. As far as the number of lights, CFL's are tricky, and as you grow you will continue to need more of them. Theres a formula around here somewhere...
  13. M

    Would you harvest these??????

    I would not water for 2-3 days and harvest. Sunday morning, maybe an hour after lights go on
  14. M

    Help?! Hermy question

    A hermie can and will pollinate females. I'm a bit of a hermie pro. lol, from bagseed. A female flowered too long will hermie. It is a natural attempt by the plant to procreate itself without a male. It's a natural attempt to ensure survival by asexual reproduction. A hermie is trying to...
  15. M

    Expected Harvest Time (Amsterdam Marijuana Seed)

    Dumb answer but plants are like Luke Skywalker. Under different conditions they perform differently, and you must "use the force". They'll tell you what they are doing, you gotta be able to read them. Grow the same strain a second time, under the same conditions and yield will (should) be higher...
  16. M

    Quick Question, plz help

    If you bury the stem it will grow roots between your current dirt line and the new dirt line. Once in college, I was in a pinch because I was going home for the weekend and couldn't water. I soaked paper towels with water and wrapped them around the stems figuring it would drain slowly into the...
  17. M

    78w of CFL and my plants don't seem to be growing?

    Any hardware store or wal mart sells Y splitters. I have 2 CFL's in each clamp light like the one in the pic. If I remember correctly the splitters cost less than 2 bucks..
  18. M

    12/12 from start to finish

    The larger clamp lights, I think 10 1/2 inches, can accomodate a y splitter and 2 bulbs...
  19. M

    i think this is a hermi...

    And the other 19 were ALL beautiful females..
  20. M

    i think this is a hermi...

    I got a male out of 20 or so seeds I took from a stressed female hermie. A genetic hermie is a crapshoot, with growing conditions ultimately dictating the sex, but predominately will be hermie also.