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  1. B

    Obama for president in 2012

    palins got more experience with everything than obama does. has obama ever run a state or anything before thats bigger than a mcdonalds??? no!! he has 0 experience. palins more of a man than he is to. heck.. nobody knows WHO the real obama is.....yet
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    IMPEACH obama 2009

    wake up folks. obama oughta be locked up behind BARS. he AINT foolin no one with that fake birth certificate. his GRANDMA says she was there in the village in KENYA when he was born. yall oughta be watchin hannity on FOX news. he is investigating obama along with many others. the facts are comin...
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    Obama for president in 2012

    over 50000 AMERICANS have been arrested for pot since obami was elected. palin wants to legalize. IMPEACH barack HUSSEIN obama 2009 -vote PALIN 2012!
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    IMPEACH obama 2009

    IMPEACH obami and GOD BLESS THE USA!!!!
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    IMPEACH obama 2009

    obamas backgrounds bein investigated right now by FOX news and lots of other good folks who AINT gonna sit quiet an watch while that COMMIE tries to flush our country down the toilet. the truth about the messiah WILL come out. everyone whos a true patriotic AMERICAN oughta be signin petitions...
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    IMPEACH obama 2009

    IMPEACH obami in 2009 !!!!! hell hes bein investigated right now and theres powerful folks who r DEMANDIN he show his real birth certificate. IF he even has one!!!!! when all the facts is out on the table by this fall hes gettin impeached by the supreme court. did you liberals think it was funny...
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    birther theory is a product of Obama conspiracy to make rightwing look nutty?

    he will be IMPEACHED by the end of summer and deported back to kenya. the truth on obamas comin out real soon. he dont even got a REAL birth certificate because hes from KENYA where they dont keep records!!!! the laws says if you aint BORN in the USA and cannt prove ur a citisen then ya aint...
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    - palin for president in 2012 !!!!!!!!!!

    well id vote for em but id rather see palin n cheney runnin in 2012. hey are any of ya all members of TEAM SARAH or would ya consider beocomin one???? were just a group of good patriotic AMERICANS who all beleive AND is dedicated to advancin the VALUES that palin represents.
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    - palin for president in 2012 !!!!!!!!!!

    the facts r the usa IS a christian nation and it was founded on christian ideals by god fearin men. but it really doesnt matter. i just dont get WTF you democrats were thinking electing a MUSLIM president after 9/11??????????
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    - palin for president in 2012 !!!!!!!!!!

    some of you liberals sound like you forgot 9/11 already. this country needs someone with a backbone like palin to take care of our enemies. shes more of a man than obama is. shoot id bet my truck that palin could whoop obamas ass in a street fight anyday. obama is a terrorist sympathizer tryin...
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    - palin for president in 2012 !!!!!!!!!!

    she could destroy obami in 2012. but yeah i couldnt care less what religion the president is so long as they aint MUSLIM. Ron Pauls ok and all but right now the country needs someone like palin whos ready to get in there and kill off some more terrorists.
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    - palin for president in 2012 !!!!!!!!!!

    palin in 2012!!!!!!!!!! she is our last hope to save this great country from the antichrist obama. she will beat him easy. shes a real american and folks like her and shes a regular good christian person like you and me. who should be her pick for vp? limbaugh or cheney or rove?
  13. B

    birther theory is a product of Obama conspiracy to make rightwing look nutty?

    obami aint even a real citisen. hes a MUSLIM from KENYA folks. that commie aint MY president. i voted for mccain/palin ok. to be president you have to have beeen born in the USA. where the hecks his REAL birth certificate at??? duh its in africa where he was born. dont worry lefties the truth...