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  1. W

    Will I pass MEPS?! (military drug test)

    my buddies were straight up with their recruiter and they pushed it back for him, I dont know how you feel about doing that but it couldnt hurt if not i say your fine, people with fast metabolism and workout and dont smoke much can pass that shit in 2 weeks but really it alllll has to do with...
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    The You Know Your A Grower Thread

    when you know more about the price per kwh than your local energy supplier
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    Shack's 125W CFL DIY Tent Grow

    nice shack looks real good man!!! i used to throw down with a 150 I dig your style!!
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    Texas Growers Unite!

    been here a month a couple days ago and I still love texas, but still hate the weed game. quality is definitely a lot better than I thought but still not great. I would love to see pics of your guys "pickups" I get good bud just definitely not professionally grown. The best bud I hooked out...
  5. W

    Harvest while hairs are still white

    yes its actually very normal the fact that it is bagseed makes it a different substrain in itself. If you had a kush plant that finished in 8 weeks and found a single seed out of it chances are more than likely that seed will take longer to mature than your original plant. this isnt the...
  6. W

    How big is this thing gonna get??

    it wont root you would have to trim that shit down to basically a leaf with a fat ass long stem like that. you know when you take clones you trim the bottom leafs and the big leafs down? Its to stimulate root growth and not so much energy keeping the leaves alive. Great idea in theory but...
  7. W

    How big is this thing gonna get??

    lol dude when you put that thing into flower depending on strain the average is it will double 2 - 3 times in height. Just clone her down a lot its not a problem at all grab some rapid rooters and a tray maybe a couple trays ahahah cut her down try to cut some clones in the 8" mark. maybe even...
  8. W

    can i lollipop

    3 weeks in is EXACTLY the time to do it, so congrats you nailed it. lollipoppin is a great idea in general no matter what the wattage, its like taking the popcorn buds and placing them on your colas.
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    3 Strain Party Cup Grow

    I gave you my compliments in an earlier post today I was responding sarcastically to this comment.
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    3 Strain Party Cup Grow

    yeah they are just seedlings the hardest part of your grow to make it through so who cares.
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    Zig Zag cig. rolller

    people hate on them but thats just cuz tehy never owned a good one i used one all the time no more joints graduated to blunts
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    3 Strain Party Cup Grow

    mad props homeboy that is lookin real good
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    What was that pepper taste

    thats crazy to hear!!! the older people in my old town used to describe all their bomb strains as "krypt" it stuck for a while but havent heard it in soooo long.
  14. W

    Isit ok to turn the lights on during dark cycle?

    for sure, I agree with you 100 percent in that statement. just with our hobby so many things can have effect on our baby girls its best to limit the risks to better troubleshoot all problems. But checking on it one time out of the whole cycle I agree will have no effect on it.
  15. W

    whats up with the PURPs?

    purple is either a character trait or a survival trait some plants were bred to be purple some plants are naturally purple. Some plants start to turn purple as a survival technique; when the plant starts to get to cold it starts to turn purple. The darker color attracts more heat from the sun...
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    CFL Grow 2 Ganesh + 1 Fem Hash Plant Haze

    how does she smell in veg powerful or non existant
  17. W

    Isit ok to turn the lights on during dark cycle?

    a study has been done to show the sensitivity of cannabis plants indoor plant was affected by a flashing LED light blinking on and off every 30 seconds and turned the female to a hermy, you can do this to a thousand strains and not have a problem and you can do it to another thousand strains and...
  18. W

    Texas Growers Unite!

    ahhahah good call shackleford on the "corn" lingo and putting a location on it. ya its frustrating to hear the DRO term as well when i hear it i want to correct them but just decide to bite my lip my dro buds dont taste half as good as soil much bigger and more yield but def not as stank or...
  19. W

    Texas Growers Unite!

    texas weed game kills me I am given up! havent blazed since new years even and gonna keep it that way til harvest. finally catching on to your lingo dro - good weed corn, popcorn - shwag that smells piney but still shwag in my eyes weed game - non existant sorry a little grumpy, every...