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  1. T

    how do i grow cheapest and easiest way?

    min: 1 max:3 not many plants at all... just enough for myself... my parents... and my friends...
  2. T

    how do i grow cheapest and easiest way?

    well pretty much its a 15'x10' room... its at my house... but i would like to use cfl's it seems the easiest route... i have fish tanks with live aquatic plants that i've learned to grow using cfl's
  3. T

    how do i grow cheapest and easiest way?

    well one main thing i was wondering was if i just wanted to grow say one plant indoors... did the shop light idea with a 3700k 41w cfl... a timer... nutes... good soil... so on so on... would that work?
  4. T

    how do i grow cheapest and easiest way?

    id like to learn the easiest and cheapest way to grow indoors... im thinking a shoplight suspended by chains low to the ground with some strong cfl's... i work at a hardware store not going into details about what store but its a corporate hardware store... so we have a decent selection of...
  5. T

    overwatered now too dry...

    my dad who grew when he was a kid is helping me out and says its defiantly dried out so he told me to put the bucket into another bucket and take it to the shower and put enough water into it so there for it soaks through the soil and then the water goes to the 2nd bucket and stays there... just...
  6. T

    overwatered now too dry...

    yeah sorry i forgot to mention it in this post... i have another post all about the overwatering... so the other night it was planted in the bucket with soil and earth... the earth was red clay :-\ it was before i bought this soil... so then when i checked on it the morning after a bad rain it...
  7. T

    overwatered now too dry...

    yeah im pretty sure it is dried out because this morning when i checked on it, it was perky but then later this afternoon i took this picture... i honestly think its dried out... so i put some water in it then check again later and there wasnt much difference... so im kinda worried...
  8. T

    overwatered now too dry...

    yeah so i went to go check on my plant to see if it had recovered this morning and it looked like it was coming back to life so then i went to work... came back and now it looks dried out... but not too dried out... just droopy so i put some water in it and hopefully thats what it needs and i...
  9. T

    Found a MOnster!!!

    "Today my sister came up to me and was like dude you have to check this out. I was like okay? I went to her house and right in the front yard Middle of the city! is this 5.5 foot MOnster. It looks like a bush!!! tomorrow night we are digging it up and transplanting it out at my house." hopefully...
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    Help! rain problem

    alright well i put it into some nice dry potting soil with some fertilizer 20-5-5.
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    Help! rain problem

    so last night it rained... and rained hard... this morning i went to go check on my plant and the bucket that its in was full of water and the plant look droopy and over watered... i have plenty of holes in it but it still had about an inch of water in it... i pored the water out but do you...
  12. T

    Who owns the FED...

  13. T

    am i late?

    lol i mean is it too late in the season will it flower?
  14. T

    am i late?

    hey guys im new and this is my first post... my gf's brother gave me a plant that was three months old last month but it was only about half a foot tall.. they grew it in the woods with fair light... since ive had it here its gotten to about a foot and a half... its not very big but it has grown...