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  1. waronwar

    Starting Seedlings in 12/12?

    quick question and rep for all good responses, but im in the flowering stage for my first grow, and i want to start my seedlings to make sure my second grow is comming to a close in the end of nov, just curious if a week or so if 12/12 would be okay for the last week or two as i wait for my...
  2. waronwar

    Inglorious Basterds

    i did not love it. Its version of history offended me, kinda. okay film, not Quinton's best. it had its moments, but i would suggest not paying to see it in a theater.
  3. waronwar

    While everyone else is going on about drug tests...

    if you have time, but want to speed up the process for cleansing, what is your best advice? Im a big guy, I went three weeks without, ive been going through a light quarter for the past 8 days, gonna have my last 2 joints tonight, then none till i have a new job. I want to start applying for...
  4. waronwar

    to all us sober guys =[

    ive got three joints, i need to smoke them asap so i can start detoxing, hoping to find a new job before nov 1. too bad my plants will be ready to harvest around 9/20 its a good thing i love booze too. will likely buy a couple bottles of scotch and bourbon to keep me on the strait an narrow.
  5. waronwar

    Bump If You're Baked!

  6. waronwar

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bump... oh my god bump
  7. waronwar

    Malana hash in the world????

    never had hash. planning on turning nonusable biomass for some home made stuff though..
  8. waronwar

    How warm does the enviroment need to be

    when you say night do you mean night, or in the dark period? i typically keep my closet's daylight hours during actual night so i can view them when im home without interrupting their cycle
  9. waronwar

    How warm does the enviroment need to be

    to sustain growth? I have an older, drafty house that in the winter we struggle to keep @ 65 and afford the gas bill. the closet i use would be a little warmer thanks to the small space and lights though. just curious if this is sufficiently warm enough to cultivate lady mary.
  10. waronwar

    smoking tops?

    my brother has suggested that when i top my plants that i dry them out and smoke them to get an idea of what im getting. just curious if this a worthwhile endeavor or not.
  11. waronwar

    transplant, top and go into flowering at once?

    just curious if these actions can be done all at the same time or if this would be too much stress. TIA and rep for your responses. :leaf:
  12. waronwar

    4:20 on the east coast, happy fryday!

    :weed: happiness is a full bowl..hit hit, cough cough
  13. waronwar

    Anyone here collect comics ?

    well i used to have about a thousand books, now i haver about 400 a lot of indie stuff, but my favorite was fantastic four/ben grimm related. I own about 30 kirby FFs including the first appearances of silver surfer and the black panther. Ill read stuff now and then, but i cant spend the cash...
  14. waronwar

    anyone else hate television when baking?

    I cannot peak when anything as harsh and abbrassive to my good time than adverts. tend to have the tv off or in mute with some music in the background while i fuck around the net. anyone else have this problem?
  15. waronwar

    Wet after 3 weeks without...

    hit me like you did the first time!!! got i love this feeling, booze can suck mary's dick! make music like a quadbillion times better
  16. waronwar

    Wet after 3 weeks without...

    baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkeeeeeeeeeeed. as much as i hated that dextox i aaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm very happy with the end result. :fire:
  17. waronwar

    Bump If You're Baked!

  18. waronwar

    any fellow cajuns

    hey, just got back from laflayette where my wifes family lives, kinda thinking about moving, fun place.
  19. waronwar

    Roll your joints with or without filter?

    with. im a piss poor roller, and i slober when smoking.
  20. waronwar

    to smoke or to make brownies/cookies?

    okay, so Thursday morning im driving to Louisiana for a wedding, and will be staying at my in laws. im supposed to get an eighth of high mids tomorrow or wed, but i cant smoke while on the trip, so i can go without and make up for it when i come home, or i can throw together a little snack to...