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  1. P

    Male plants

    I was just sitting here and thought "wouldnt it be funny to grow a shit load of male crops on my front yard." then i thought about the legal issue. so is it legal to grow male plants. (im from ontario)
  2. P

    Help me!

    ok thanks alot. i was just a bit worried because its still a baby. its also my first personal crop, so im a bit paranoid.
  3. P

    Help me!

    I just looked at my seedling and i noticed it was bent a bit. i took a closer look and came to relise it had a bit of a crack in the stem. will this be ok? or is it fucked.
  4. P

    Grow log anyone?

    Does anyone have a grow log for bob Marley sativa? indoor log preferably
  5. P

    Bag Seed Never Sprout?

    i've never used bag seeds. but i ordered bob marly sativa seeds and only 3 out of the 30 sprouted :@
  6. P

    Weed Prices.

    What are the weed prices in your area? I live in Canada and its 10 a G, 40 for a quarter and 140 for a ounce.
  7. P

    Some nice bob marley quotes?

    I dont think anyones going to reply
  8. P

    Some nice bob marley quotes?

    Does anyone know some good Bob Marley quotes? I was just reading the Marijuana history thread and saw victozap's name and thought, wow i haven't heard anything about Bob Marley lately. So if you have any good ones feel free to post.:peace:
  9. P

    "Marijuana" on the History channel

    Ive seen Marijuana inc. its pretty good. especially since its on late and im stoned when im watching. But yeah it would be pretty cool to have a house built for growing weed.
  10. P

    1st session of the day.

    Just wanted to say, im really going to enjoy this session seeing as ive been dry all day. Ill smoke one for everyone on roll it up too.
  11. P

    Cloning a BUD

    Its true , i swear. next time i go to his place ill get a pic and post it.
  12. P

    Cloning a BUD

    So my friend made the greatest discovery since sliced bread. Cloning a bud. so this is how he did it. when his crop was done growing, he simply sliced a bud(5,6 gram bud) from the stem off(reasonably sized stem) and then did the same you'd do to make a clone. Surprisingly It rooted and started...
  13. P

    look at this ugly seedling

    Just remember, the ugly duckling(seedling) turned into a very beautiful Swan(Fully budded crop).
  14. P

    Males and females

    ok thanks everyone, and i will search next time before posting
  15. P

    How long have YOU been shmokin it up?

    3 years ago when i was 13
  16. P

    Males and females

    Hey i was just wondering when/how i can tell whether my crops are female or not.
  17. P

    1st post, and question

    ok thanks alot.
  18. P

    1st post, and question

    Hey everyone im new to this forum and a bit new to growing "medical" marijuana. i just had a question about black lights, will they work just for the seedling stage? just until i go out and buy and actual light? Thanks.