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  1. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    Need some stealthy help!

    I had the same problem. What Im doing is doing 12/12 light cycle from the beginning,and I dont run the fans when the lights arnt on. That way Its only running when Im home about to go to sleep. No one is in my room when Im sleeping. Then when I wake up and go out during the day everything is...
  2. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    Having trouble Plz help!

    Cool thanks for all the tips, So my bulb is shitty incand. I really wasnt sure of the difference, but ill go pick up a new bulb tommorrow. I only paid 8 dollars for the bulb lol.
  3. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    Having trouble Plz help!

    So i cant seem to get my seeds to sprout. Ive tried 3 different kinds of unreliable bagweed seeds. Heres some pics of my set up. My setup is this 12/12 light cycle 100w Daylight spectrum Bulb Fans for ventelation Aluminum(sp?) foil & Metal silver tape PC case! Now I got my bulb from Pets...
  4. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    Question about my PC grow

    Hello fellow RiU peeps Just a quick question, Im doing a stealth PC grow. Im thinking about doing 12/12 from the beginning. This will cause my plants to bud early, since there isnt much room anyways. Correct?
  5. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    Super noob Question, but plz help

    Thats actully a really good idea, I didnt even think about petsmart, Thanks alot! +rep!
  6. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    Super noob Question, but plz help

    thanks I was trying to look it up online but i couldnt figure out what to call it. Hopefully the home depot will have something like this
  7. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    Super noob Question, but plz help

    I wanted to use CFLs i Was thinking 2 100w
  8. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    Super noob Question, but plz help

    Im trying to build a very small compact grow room for stealth grows. I plan on using 100w Fluorescent bulbs. Question is where can i get the Socket for these bulbs to go in. I really dont want to order anything offline atm. Would lowes, home depot, or walmart carry such a thing for a 100w...
  9. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    If you had 500$ to...

    Cool guys, thanks for the input, Im hoping just to build myself up! I was thinking about just doing soil and invest the 500$ into a 600w HPS/Ballast/Reflector, Fox farm nutes, Good seeds, and some ventaltion. (Since I built my own box) the box is about 5X5X8<---Height (not sure if its in right...
  10. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    What can I do Better? (Nutrients)

    So your saying because I use soil I dont need to flush for 2 weeks even though im using nutes?
  11. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    If you had 500$ to...

    Start a grow, would you do it in soil? home made hydro? What kind of lights/ballasts/reflectors would you use? I have a minor operation going I started with like 300$, its only a 150w MH and its in soil, using basic nutes, and im just trying to get ideas because harvest is coming up and I...
  12. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    What is the rarest type of marijuana in the world

    Sigh, why does everyone try and rain on our parade? :cry:
  13. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    Few noob Questions

    Thanks for all the input its greatly appricated
  14. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    Few noob Questions

    Yeah, I feel like im having the oppisite prob of most growers lol.
  15. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    Few noob Questions

    Would a space heater effect the humidity?
  16. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    Few noob Questions

    Yeah I Didnt think it was to cold yet but winter is right around the corner meaning its only going to get colder.
  17. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    Few noob Questions

    Hello, How is everyone today? Im a little new to this site but i had a few quick questions. What is the coldest temp my plants can endure before it stuns their growth? they are about a week into flowering. The prob is they are in a basement and winter is coming around. Im only using a 150w MH...
  18. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    stolen seedling any tips?

    yup. what comes around goes around.
  19. XxMorbidMartyrxX

    Grow room with 150hps

    I personally would always recomend a stronger light, but I have used a 150w in the past and it worked fine. I Wouldnt recomend going for more then 2 plants.