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  1. T

    Need advice on Cleaning an oil rig with iso and reclaiming oil.

    You have no idea Do not try I broke my first oil rig( first nice one anyway) from doing this and it was tempered. No China glass.
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    Hydroton vs. Sure to Grow

    i'm going to have to sign on with team hydroton, this thread is just blatant advertising for a clearly subpar product.
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    Passive Cooling methods that don't involve home renos

    my box is about 6 feet tall and 3.5 feet wide so i guess its pretty small, it's also made of metal which might make a difference. thanks for the replies! i'll post some pics as soon as i get a chance my plants are much bigger now and the box is lined with mylar too!
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    HOW TO make a fan that comes on once room hits a certain temp

    my actual grow fan currently stays on a static 24 hour setting, but i'm thinking of making an air cooled grow hood and adding this would turn on the fan once the hood reaches a certain temp.
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    HOW TO make a fan that comes on once room hits a certain temp

    i found this while surfing the web for ways to cool down my growbox and thought someone might find this useful and was also wondering if anyone is currently using a system similar to this in their grow box?
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    annoying spamming noob

    i got this pm just wanted to post so that whoever can get banned.
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    24 vs. 18/6 during veg

    i've noticed that during the dark period it helps cool down the growbox alot and also that the plants often have upward growth spurts during the dark cycle, but i've also noticed that 24 hours will not harm your plant in any way.
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    Passive Cooling methods that don't involve home renos

    my growbox is getting rather hot i'm noticing after lining it with mylar to stop the light leaks, i have a fan inside my case which helps the temps alot and a few cups of water to increase the rh which also drops the temp a bit. i was just wondering if you guys had any tips other that running...
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    400w tent setup 1st ever grow!

    plants look pretty droopy what is your High/Low Temp and RH?
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    Romulan x Mikado, Mutant purple island OG & Mutant Tuna Kush

    i had some bag seeds saved from many trips to my local dispensary, not sure if they are from cross pollination or if they are hermaphrodites so i'm not entirely sure if they are actually the strain i think they are, i just know what nugs they came from figured i'd throw up some pics of the...
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    Cherry Pie or Not?

    it looks like real weed? lol i would'nt be too concerned if it came from a legitimate breeder.
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    Envy A & B Nutrients great for tap water

    anyone else use this shit? we got one dude saying his ph went from 5 to 7 and another from 7 to 2.5 ?
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    Succes with freebee seeds?

    i second this
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    Should I remove sucker leaves from my plant during Flowering?

    you are misinformed, instead of those leaves sucking away valuable nutrients from the buds, when you actually chop the buds and hang them they will suck the nutrients out of the fan leaves making your end product better, if a marijuana plant needs to get rid of some of its leaves they should...
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    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    if you want a nice DIY tip you can save egg cartons and staple them to pieces of mdf to make sound-dampening panels, or you can use the egg cartons directly on the walls.
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    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    i'm actually currently trying this method and was wondering do you notice that your plants are sometimes lanky and topheavy at the beggining of their growth because of the 12/12 cycle? or do you think that the plant is not receiving enough light?
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    Indoor CFL/Reflected Bagseed? "arizona" grow. need some infos...

    looks like you've got a nice indica dominant strain, I think indica is a stronger high and better plant overall but it's really a matter of application and personal opinion.
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    Flowering stage off int growing again?

    its normal for growth to continue during flowering, as long as you are not seeing a stop in bud growth / darkening of calyx hairs i would'nt be concerned.
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    Ladyburn 1974

    nice plants your pictures work for me
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    I am a complete noob PLEASE go easy on me

    i'm going to say go for a DIY bubble system where you buy everything yourself and follow someones guide or video or just straight up copy them. Then maybe go for some cfls as your light source for now and then later upgrade if you see fit or stick with the CFLS if your are satisfied.