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  1. herbalfrenzy

    It is too late now ?

    You're pretty late in the season, but maybe you'll get a couple of grams of yours plants. What general area are you in(northern america, etc)? And what are your temps like?
  2. herbalfrenzy

    Beginning of Outdoor Grow 2009(Pics)

    Yeah I'd say you shouldn't force flower outside right now, they will be flowering in two weeks anyways naturally. :/
  3. herbalfrenzy

    Is this weed?! Need help!!!

    Your brother has a gay bed.. It's all frilly and shit, unless it's yours and you are a girl.
  4. herbalfrenzy

    Does this look female? Does it look good?

    Depending on whether that is a Sativa(longer flowering) or Indica(shorter flowering) dominant you could be looking at anywhere from 9-14 weeks before harvesting isn't premature.
  5. herbalfrenzy

    Ready to Harvest?

    Are you serious, who wants to smoke that? I'd smoke that shit, especially if I grew it. Anyone who disagrees with that isn't a true tokin' grower.
  6. herbalfrenzy

    how to keep plants outside when harvesting

    I think he might be British. In which case a boot, is a trunk, like the trunk of your car. Or I'm just stoned. ;)
  7. herbalfrenzy

    Preflowers, Detailed Pics, PLEASE HELP +Rep

    Unless you have an autoflowering strain, and if you are growing inside, pre-flowers normally don't show themselves till you switch the light cycle to 12/12.
  8. herbalfrenzy

    Is this what she should look like? (Pics)

    Like they said, that's totally not pot dude. :( Sorry, I hope you didn't pay for those seeds.
  9. herbalfrenzy

    Forget maturing males?

    Cut that bitch down. He'll spread his pollen all over your girls and make them have seeds. 'Nuff Said.
  10. herbalfrenzy

    Seattle Hempfest 09

    I'll be there, and you all better be too or be square. I'll be the pothead in a white dress smoking out of a sherlock pipe. Hah.
  11. herbalfrenzy

    Can someone tell me why? plant problem.

    WHOA! Haha uh-uh buddy you stole mine!:twisted: Just kidding, yeah sorry I found it on photobucket and thought it was cute. :) Sooo, who's going to change their av?
  12. herbalfrenzy

    Can someone tell me why? plant problem.

    Is it maybe under-watered? I know leaves will cup upwards to try to catch and hold any stray moisture
  13. herbalfrenzy

    UGH! What is wrong with my baby?

    Not sure how my soil is, the garden was already established when I got here, and I didn't really even think these seeds would grow. They were ones I was germinating and then they dried out, and then I spilled them all over my patio, so I just threw them in the garden thinking "hey if they grow...
  14. herbalfrenzy

    Germination kit? are they worth the money?

    Yeah as said, if you have the extra money and it makes you feel better why not. But don't do it because you think you have to or else your seeds just wont germinate.
  15. herbalfrenzy

    UGH! What is wrong with my baby?

    That's the thing though, like I said, I doubt it was underwatered because it was having this problem even when I soaked the shit out of it.
  16. herbalfrenzy

    UGH! What is wrong with my baby?

    Anyone else? Another thing I forgot was I used Sevin Insecticide on them, it says is vegetable and fruit safe.
  17. herbalfrenzy

    UGH! What is wrong with my baby?

    I highly doubt that, although I guess I wouldn't rule it out, because this problem kept occurring even after I soaked the shit out of my garden. :/
  18. herbalfrenzy

    UGH! What is wrong with my baby?

    So I've been researching and reading for like a week now, and I can't figure out what the fuck is wrong with my plant. It doesn't look like anything described, over/underwatering, over ferting, etc. I'm growing outdoors, in soil. I don't have a particular watering schedule I just water when...
  19. herbalfrenzy

    Got some questions i have had trouble researching

    Go here But, to answer your questions, no Males do not bud, and if you are doing indoors you can veg for as short, or as long as you like really. You just want to make sure that your plant has vegged for 2...
  20. herbalfrenzy

    Germination kit? are they worth the money?

    Get two paper towels, and some water. Much cheaper. Or just throw 'em into the dirt and keep the dirt moist. I think we all forget sometimes that they are just seeds, and will germinate just like any other seed, unless you are using old or pre-mature seeds.