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  1. S

    Alien proof!

    you expect me to watch this video for 2 hours
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    PhaRoh YoGi 2012

    I want the bud he is getting
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    Eagles got Michael VIck!

    and jimmy johnson diead but hopefully that wont be that big of a deal
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    Eagles got Michael VIck!

    hell ya dude eagles for sure this season. Remember rand el, that superbowl pass against the seahawks thats what the eagles are going to be doin.
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    preseason football

    ^^^ what am I hella eagles fan. Have the best secondary this season. For sure? I havent herd that but if thats the case then hell ya
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    The rep quiz

    It could have been ancient summarians
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    The rep quiz

    ya but his mom was the one that got the herion for him and he was even clean for awhile before he od
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    Paralyzed In Sleep

    I dont think I have any of them in my house.. fuck I better call and have my house de demoned before bedtime lol
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    Paralyzed In Sleep

    Ya this shit is werid for sure. I have had this happend to me a couple times but never got scared or anything but when your minis awake but your body is not.. creepy shit.. reminds of that movie when the dude goes in for a surgery and has a OBE and sees that the docs are trying to kill him...
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    The rep quiz

    I just looked it up so i aint going to say how but its fucked up how he did
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    Lil Wayne = The Best

    sorry to say but he really is not that great. I can name 2 or 3 songs from dr dre/ eminem that have better lyrics. The first time i herd that clown I couldn't listen to his shit
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    Lil Wayne = The Best

    Fuck ya dude, eminem and dre a probably my favorite 2. Not everyday you see a white rapper is cailber, not tryin to be racist or shit. I'm sure you see the music vid to the real slim shady.. dr dre aint died, he's locked up in my basement haha.. with his photo on the milk carton That shit is...
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    Lil Wayne = The Best

    Rakim is some good shit. Anyone listen to dr dre, dre 2001 is one of the best albums this decade
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    Only dopes use this word

    When ever I hear dope I think of craxk, meth, ect but thats just me. I call marijuana bud or weed
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    best meteor shower pic contest

    Same here, Its been raining here and cloudy all day
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    Adams first wife before Eve..Its a crazy story

    Then I dont think you would have to worry about child support
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    Adams first wife before Eve..Its a crazy story

    Makes yowounder if this adam doesnt have any other ex's man. This dudes sounding more like hes a mormon.
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    Adams first wife before Eve..Its a crazy story

    anyone notice that the chick that played the lilith lady in the youtube video is hot
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    Due to my own stupidity my cat broke my Roor bong

    go to heady there having a 3 day tube sale and have some nice stuff. They have illadelph for 20% off and they have some really nice worked staright tubes that are 220$ tubes and sale for $100 with free priority shipping.
  20. S

    Have you guys ever.........................................

    Its when you either sit hippie style or on your knees, you take a phat bong rip and hold as long as you can, then you stand up while inhaling more air and hold that till you feel like your goin to black out. Since you havent done it you should try it