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  1. ToucanSam

    Phase's 1st PC grow BLUE MYSTIC HARVEST

    If someone saw my face when I first saw your post, they would have thought i was jizzing my pants lmao. I built a PC grow case that I never really got a chance to use. That will change now, your post truly inspired me (if that means anything to you). Much love from ToucanSam
  2. ToucanSam

    My First C.C.S.S. Grow (Computer CFL Small Stealth) Grow

    Sorry to comment on such an old thread, im a noob obviously. but Wow, I love your LST in pic 11. I think it should be called...Crucifix LST! That ganja has died for our sins. I did LST with the branches and not the stem in my first grow with a lowryder 2 and blue hash. It does WONDERS for bud...
  3. ToucanSam

    Ever get your ass kicked? (or kicked ass)

    aaaand..........THATS why everyone hates Americans. Incase you forgot, we passed something called the PATRIOT ACT. we are anything but free.
  4. ToucanSam

    Ever get your ass kicked? (or kicked ass)

    how'd you manage to break your bed? heh..
  5. ToucanSam

    Am I the only one that wants to kick Seth Rogans ass?

    You nailed it Ron. NAILED IT. comedy scene has been in a DEEP recession.
  6. ToucanSam

    PC Grower's Sub-Thread Under Indoors

    he captured it all.. I think PC growing deserves some recognition
  7. ToucanSam

    Am I the only one that wants to kick Seth Rogans ass?

    Seth Rogan is the new Will Ferrel. People will soon enough realize that nothing they say is really funny. seriously, 90% of the "funny" things in Ferrel's movies are him screaming. For Rogan, the "funny" things are him just being a lazy douchebag. He certanly doesnt deserve the hype he is getting.
  8. ToucanSam

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Hey please tell me if this can be done with an auto flowering strain!
  9. ToucanSam

    hey buddy, i just wanna say thanks for being so active in the stealth growing threads. It seems...

    hey buddy, i just wanna say thanks for being so active in the stealth growing threads. It seems to me that you are the go to man in the stealth department haha. Anyway, I'm preparing for a Pc grow with 2 feminzed lowryder seeds. do you think that if i did LST it could over stress them into...
  10. ToucanSam

    Siiiick Stealth Grow!!!

    Goddamn it call that STEALTH? at least build a freaken box around it and put it in the corner of the room behind some stuff. That way you can make a hole for the exhaust and filter it for smell. goddamn. just when you thought people couldnt get dumber. Oh and another thing. I think...
  11. ToucanSam

    Hey need some expert advice as to not die!

    is it just me, or does it sounds like this guy was about to slip something in his girlfreinds drink and date rape her?
  12. ToucanSam

    i just got out of the hospital, im fucked up

    that is truly horrible and a probility FLUKE, that you would survive. It must be such a humbling experience. But you can look at it this way, you are living your second chance which not many get. make the most of it! Wishing you the fastest recovery possible. oh yeah, try an stick to the...
  13. ToucanSam

    Get The White Male: Wrong Move

    he was being sacastic smart one. the same way im being sarcastic.
  14. ToucanSam

    PC Fan + What?

    yeah,i have the same fan set up as bam bam. old phone charger for the adapter, finally found a use for that thing! PC stealth grow by any chance?
  15. ToucanSam

    Constructing a 100% CFL Grow

    Hey everyone, I think theres is alot of very good information in this thread. I just want to add that you people should drop the tin foil and realize how easy it is to find mylar. just go to target or walmart and go to the camping section. there is a product called emergency blanket. For about...
  16. ToucanSam

    Iran Update...

    HAHAHAH so true. Dont worry, he just follows the Great BIlL O'RILEY form of debate. Seriously though, id think crackerjax was one of his minions. You also forgot to mention that the North Poleans have ties to Osama. (but later on admit that it was just a fake excuse to invade) Dont worry though...
  17. ToucanSam

    About Iran...

    Couldnt have been better said... But you better watch out. Not only does not supporting war shrink your testicles, it also makes you a traitor and sympathzer by most right standards.
  18. ToucanSam

    Iran Update...

    First off, sorry for coming off so strong on my first post. I know that points are made much better without direct insults, sometimes the boiling blood gets the better of me. so I'm sincerely sorry. CrackerJax, I find it ammusing how much you hate Iran. Is there a persian bully in your...
  19. ToucanSam

    Iran Update...

    Unfortunately, I've read a number of the posts in this thread. Iran Update?...None of these conservative numb skulls know enough about Iran to talk about it, much less think they can argue the ambitions of a Nation they dont understand. First off, Iran has a right to nuclear power AND...
  20. ToucanSam

    Hello, first post, couple questions

    AWSOME!...the first trash can grow! haha just make sure someone doesnt accidentally put it out on the curb for the garbage man.