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  1. jonbonjovi9

    Automatic Ak-47 autoflower grow

    Sorry for the extremely late update.. and sorry for the extreme lack of photo quality, but I have harvested and dried my bud. I had harvested the first plant about a week and a half earlier then the second (which I have just put In jars today ) and have already smoked the 17 g's it yeilded...
  2. jonbonjovi9

    SSH Indoor soil grow
  3. jonbonjovi9

    Automatic Ak-47 autoflower grow

    my two plants day 20 somthing flowring using 2 45 4100k cfls and 2 13 watt 2700 k cfls, my webcam does not do justice
  4. jonbonjovi9

    SSH Indoor soil grow

    during the whole grow I had some automatic ak-47 autoflowers, well they started budding about three weeks ago and the buds are looking really nice, im doing a journal on that grow so you can check it out
  5. jonbonjovi9

    SSH Indoor soil grow

    the two plants i gave away were female and the 2 i kept were male lol
  6. jonbonjovi9

    Automatic Ak-47 autoflower grow

    it has been 19 days since they showed sex and there are some nice buds developing, if anyone wants to see them please reply
  7. jonbonjovi9

    Automatic Ak-47 autoflower grow

    2 of my 3 plants showed sex today, both female. I will post some pics once some buds start
  8. jonbonjovi9

    SSH Indoor soil grow

    well i figured it was time for an update on my unkown indica and maybe super silver haze lol, here they are the plants have alot of branches starting even though they arent that clear in the pics, I am planning on waiting until some branches develop then I will take some clones, wait for...
  9. jonbonjovi9

    Automatic Ak-47 autoflower grow

    One of my plants did not respond that well to the feeding while the other two seemed to love it. I flushed the soil and transplanted into a bigger container and it is still growing very well but with a bit of fertilizer burn
  10. jonbonjovi9

    Automatic Ak-47 autoflower grow

    Just gave them miracle grow all purpose plant food at half strength. I figured since theres no nutrients in promix (as far as I know) I would start feeding a bit early.
  11. jonbonjovi9

    Automatic Ak-47 autoflower grow

    Finally got around to posting some seedling pics. These are give or take a week old and are growing in promix. I did have four until my kitten murdered one >:( It is my first time growing in promix so does anyone have any advice?
  12. jonbonjovi9

    SSH Indoor soil grow

    i got the seeds from the asshole grit weed ( dealer. I have bought a 100x microscope and I am positive that there is more than just...
  13. jonbonjovi9

    SSH Indoor soil grow

    Ok so it has been awhile since i have updated, I have given 2 of my plants away to become mothers for future clones. I have transplanted my remaining 2 plants into bigger containers with promix ultimate organic mix. They are growing under a 70 watt hps and I am planning to give them miracle grow...
  14. jonbonjovi9

    SSH Indoor soil grow

    ya its more common than most people think, comercial growers will sandblast there plants with silica and other shit to bulk up there harvest. ya im not sure what happens if u smoke it tho And yes they have a planty weedy smell but not like actual bud. I have transplanted into some bigger...
  15. jonbonjovi9

    SSH Indoor soil grow

    good idea, this is kind of random but i just picked up 1.5, and i looked at some keif under a microscope and found tiny chunks of glass,,, i was suspecting most of the weed in my town was grit weed but now im sure
  16. jonbonjovi9

    SSH Indoor soil grow

    holy shit just this second i looked under the leaves and they are very purple!
  17. jonbonjovi9

    SSH Indoor soil grow

    k guys, i left my plants to fend for themselves for a couple days while i visited my sister for x-mas. They really grew alot and are starting to smell. However i am beginning to doubt that this strain is super silver haze because some of the plants look like different strains and they are...
  18. jonbonjovi9

    Automatic Ak-47 autoflower grow

    update: i started germinating 4 of the weaker looking seeds and so far 2 have germinated in a bit more than 24 hours. YAY
  19. jonbonjovi9

    SSH Indoor soil grow

    Heres a new update pic of 3 days growth, I separated the sprout into a foam cup and it is doing quite well. they are a bit streched but that is ok as long as im not smoking grit weed :)