Search results

  1. jonbonjovi9

    Automatic Ak-47 autoflower grow

    Hi guys, I ordered some autoflower ak47 x NYC deisel from lowlife seeds but only received auto ak-47. I am also doing a ssh grow at the moment. I will be growing the ak-47 in soil and under cfls.
  2. jonbonjovi9

    SSH Indoor soil grow

    I have 4 seedlings in yogurt containers filled with MG potting mix which seems to be working well for now. I accidently planted 2 germinated seeds in one container so pic number one has a seedling just starting to sprout.
  3. jonbonjovi9

    SSH Indoor soil grow

    Hi this is my first journal, i will be growing Super Silver Haze from seed. I am using soil and a 70 watt hps
  4. jonbonjovi9

    AXE Sprayed weed? Grit weed? whats up with this town ON

    thats a qp.... maybe if ur an expert... im only 16
  5. jonbonjovi9

    AXE Sprayed weed? Grit weed? whats up with this town ON

    ive grown but i can only do it outdoors, so ill get about 2 ounces each season but that will be gone in like a month
  6. jonbonjovi9

    AXE Sprayed weed? Grit weed? whats up with this town ON

    well theres only 2 black people in my town and ya there white
  7. jonbonjovi9

    AXE Sprayed weed? Grit weed? whats up with this town ON

    ok so I have been buying weed off a semi well known dealer for about 6 months and have recently started to notice somthing.... you will see shiny specs that look totally different from the crystals on the bud. this weed scratches cd's. I have recently developed a cough and so had my friend who...
  8. jonbonjovi9

    First Grow: DIY PC stealth, 125W CFL. Help/Comments Appreciated.

    It looks like u have some nute burn from that compost... I suggest transplanting into some regular potting soil.
  9. jonbonjovi9

    Light Proofing My PC Grow box

    I am going to try to get another pc case and build a new pc grow box, any sudgestions where i should get the box case from?
  10. jonbonjovi9

    Light Proofing My PC Grow box

    Ok so I went to the hardware store today and picked up some weather stripping in white. I wanted to get black but it was way to thick so when applied it to my grow box light still leaked??? so I just decided to leave It the way it is and hope noone suspects anything...
  11. jonbonjovi9

    Light Proofing My PC Grow box

    hmmmm.... whats weather stripping?? lol
  12. jonbonjovi9

    Light Proofing My PC Grow box

    Ya I was thinking about doing that but How will i go about opening the case and shutting it? just incase you dont know I am talking about the spaces between where the side panel goes on.
  13. jonbonjovi9

    Light Proofing My PC Grow box

    Hey everyone, I am currently constructing my own pc grow box and I was wondering how I could stop light leaking from the side cracks of my pc grow box? :confused: