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  1. Moses'BurninCush

    Joy of the Joint

    I smoke the majority of my weed through joints and spliffs (half weed half tobacco). It's just easier in public and good for a quick pickmeup. However, there's nothing wrong with taking time out of your day for a blunt.
  2. Moses'BurninCush

    Imagine Raking a Weed Tree

    Like when weed becomes legal and embraced by society, scientists will make hybrid, half-maple-tree-half-sticky-icky forest. Leaves would fall in the autumn, and we could go weed picking instead of apple picking!
  3. Moses'BurninCush

    stoner chicks ....?

    I just think that stoner chicks are more honest with themselves and don't bother with the fake stuff to know who they are. I have smoked with some extremely attractive stoner chicks (one of them rolls some of the best blunts your lips will ever tingle from), and I would have to agree that they...
  4. Moses'BurninCush

    Playing chess high is amazing

    My friend and I were sharing a blunt in his basement the other day when we saw a chess board. I challenged him, and was amazed by how intense the game becomes. It's like in Harry Potter when they play that massive sized game of chess and they're IN the game . . . only more intense. You're...
  5. Moses'BurninCush


    Yo mamas so fat she shat out a Big Mac
  6. Moses'BurninCush

    The bro code

    That thing was wayy too long for my stoned ass to finish, but it was funny as hell.
  7. Moses'BurninCush

    I Wish I Still Had My [blank]...

    Cronium Crusher. I had two and they both got taken away by the cops, even though I told them I use it for tobacco. Fuck the police.
  8. Moses'BurninCush

    Fuck Marijuana!

    I prefer to call my shit "Shoko Uno" or "The Devil's Lettuce"
  9. Moses'BurninCush

    Funny names for the vagina?

    Galileo's Sparkling Crevice
  10. Moses'BurninCush

    Ultimate stoner room

    When I visited this thread it was titled "Ultimate Stoner Room" and showed 4 comments and 20 views hahaha. Nintendo 64 is essential to any stoner room, as well as a good sound system.
  11. Moses'BurninCush

    If you could smoke with one person . . .

    who would it be? Out of all the options, it's so difficult to pick one. I think I would smoke with either Bob Marley or Jon Lennon. Philosophizing with them would be mind-blowing.
  12. Moses'BurninCush

    Stranded on an island with 50,000 tabs

    My friend and I got wicked baked and were thinking about this scenario: Let's say you and a random stranger were the only survivors of a plane crash similar to LOST or Tom Hank's Castaway. When you gathered all the jetsam you realized you had not only enough tools to survive for a long time...
  13. Moses'BurninCush

    The Power of a Cigarette

    I've just started smoking cigarettes. My girlfriend made me stop but I still bum the occasional one. I mainly smoke while I'm high, which has led to much thinking about cigarettes, and the tobacco industry. If you think about it, the tobacco industry was one of the first companies in American...
  14. Moses'BurninCush

    Just got my chronium crusher grinder

    I had one of those and it just got stolen by the security at my college. I almost got kicked off campus for drug paraphernalia, but managed to weasel my way out of suspension. But the Chronium Crusher was my favorite, but I warn you: it makes you lazy as hell. Never again will you want to...
  15. Moses'BurninCush

    Favorite song about weed

    There are so many, I don't know who to choose from. A classic is Afroman's "Because I Got High," but Eminem's "Must Be the Ganja" is sick too. What's your favorite? :bigjoint:
  16. Moses'BurninCush

    I caved into cigarettes

    I used to never smoke cigs. My girl and I would smoke blacks, then I would just smoke when I drank, and then I smoked when I burned, and now I just started buying my own packs. I give them away because I think it's nice to share cigs, but I'm scared I've caved into them. I'm not even sure if...
  17. Moses'BurninCush

    what to do when you got the ganja blues?

    I agree with all this. If these kids wants the true smoke experience they need to learn some courtesy. Tell them to pick up the next bag, or at least to throw down 5 to get into it, that's my rule when I smoke up all my friends. When I have money I smoke them up, and they return the favor.
  18. Moses'BurninCush

    It burns when I piss . . .

    I don't wanna get too graphic, but every time I'm high and I take a piss it burns a little, but not when I'm sober. Part of me thinks I'm infected with shit and part of me thinks I'm just realizing the hot piss on my cold dick in this New England weather. I don't think I have the herpes...
  19. Moses'BurninCush

    girls could roll to!!

    How well can you make a sandwich? Hahaha just playin, there's nothing sexier than a girl who can roll her own.
  20. Moses'BurninCush

    The cops are at my door

    Shit dude you're right. So much drama, so little time. THis is a long story, but I hate reading long comments so here's the book report: My girlfriend's roommate went out with some dude from her hometown, and halfway through the night decided he was creepy. But instead of properly denying...