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  1. nroles420

    Problems - First timer + Pics

    probably will recover man, I made the same mistake hey, Miracle gro will stunt your growth and encourages flower growth at any stage, like the last bloke all you'll need is water and the plant will find nutrients in the soil. save your miracle gro for when she's starts to bud man, then you'll...
  2. nroles420

    My girl

    adieu, Later mate. see you round.
  3. nroles420


    Hey man, I got one just like that, I filled a pot with dirt from out the backyard, put some rocks at the bottom and I sometimes feed it with dirty water from my fish tank after I clean the filters. It does alright but like Bigwheel says it couldn't hurt to mix in some potting mix and small...
  4. nroles420

    Praying Mantis to Watch My Crops

    Great idea for those who need a protection force for the herb, A praying mantis is good yes? Kills bugs etc. The little chronic I have has little tiny aussie jumping spiders, I have a fondness for them as they eat all the flies that go by and a lot of other tiny crawlies. I seen the bastard jump...
  5. nroles420

    Blazin' stuff. I'll be keepin' an eye on your grow man, be great to glean some experienced...

    Blazin' stuff. I'll be keepin' an eye on your grow man, be great to glean some experienced knowledge from you. I'm an amateur outdoor grower, with nothing but dirt and water at the moment. Mine seems to be fine, stinky and above average sticky but it's so damn short, almost like a dwarf plant...
  6. nroles420

    Do the buds come back?

    That's true, I will smoke it but i will try to make a plant grow for two seasons. If I do i'll be sure to let youse kow about it. Cheers again champ.
  7. nroles420

    Do the buds come back?

    Righto, cheers man. I'm spewin now. What say if I leave the buds on it and let them die naturally, same deal hey? It would be damn cool if they did. Ta man.
  8. nroles420

    Do the buds come back?

    Hi people, newbie here, I have a small outdoor plant and I am interested in knowing if I cut the buds/flowers off at the end of the season, Will they regrow/ reflower next year? I suppose they are like any other plant yes? If you know could you please divulge for me this information. Cheers...
  9. nroles420

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello everybody, I'm from the west coast of australia and an avid grower of outdoor smoke. We have a small plant atm and it seems to be doing fine in a pot of dirt with nothing more than fresh rain and fish tank water, Albeit that's probably why it's so small i guess. It stinks pretty good...
  10. nroles420

    please help . nute prob

    HELLPP If i feed 6.0phd water with no nutes . should the runoff still have no nutes.I am growing in canna coco .cause my runoff from strait water is like 1.6ec
  11. nroles420

    600w growtent in bedroom

    hi guys.3 x 3x 6 ft growtent in a bedroom with one window.1.intake from bottom of window with fan sitting on the window seal running to bottom of tent.2.have a 600w hps with air cooled hood exhausting the hot air out the top of the tent using small cpu fan.have the glass off the hood atm and the...