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  1. SpaceOdin

    Question about H2O2 & GH Nutes

    I was correct in stating 29%. After waiting a couple of days it seems that the H2O2 isn't harming anything because I'm not seeing any symptoms of nute def. in the plants. Thanks for the help peoples.
  2. SpaceOdin

    Question about H2O2 & GH Nutes

    I am using General Hydroponics FloraGro & FloraMicro for my DWC. Whenever I add some H2O2 to the reservoir (29% @ 4tsp/6gal.) it turns my water from a dark orange to milky gray by the next day. Could someone tell me if this is normal or if the H2O2 is degrading my nutes? I do not have an EC/TDS...
  3. SpaceOdin

    Help Please. Possible Zinc Def or Nutrient Lockout

    I didn't check the runoff last time I watered, will do next time. When I checked the direct pH of the soil it was around 7 but I think my meter is a P.O.S. so I don't put much faith in that. Thanks for the input. Anyone else out there had or have something similar?
  4. SpaceOdin

    Help Please. Possible Zinc Def or Nutrient Lockout

    Bump. Anyone have anything out there?
  5. SpaceOdin

    Help Please. Possible Zinc Def or Nutrient Lockout

    Could someone please help me diagnose this problem. This is my first grow. Roots Organics soil. Day 31 Blue Ryder autoflower. My new growth has been coming in quite fucked over the last week. New leaves are extremely thin and starting to contort which leads me to believe this is a Zinc...
  6. SpaceOdin

    First Time Grow - Blue Streak (MDanzig)

    Quick update if anyone is following this... Plants started showing a few days ago and I culled 3 males out just now and left the strongest one to live. I call him The Highlander now. I have 4 definite females, one has not started flowering yet, and the other I can't quite tell yet. Hit them...
  7. SpaceOdin

    Nutrient Mixing Question

    Thanks for your input jeffchr. I had to feed earlier this morning since the plants had shown a couple of days ago. I went ahead and did 1/4 strength of my bloom nutes anyways so we're on the same page there. I decided to skip the guano since there is a bit of N in the bloom nutes and I'll see if...
  8. SpaceOdin

    Nutrient Mixing Question

    Anyone got anything out there?
  9. SpaceOdin

    Nutrient Mixing Question

    I'm about 2.5 weeks into a Blue Ryder grow and most of my plants have started to flower. I'm growing in Roots Organics soil and haven't used any nutrients so far. Normally now I would hit them with some bloom nutrients but some of the plants are showing a definite N deficiency. Its not serious...
  10. SpaceOdin

    Are My Seedlings Looking Healthy? 12 Days Old & Im Worried!!!! *Please Look And Post*

    England123, have you been able to fix this issue? I have some 15 day old Blue Ryder and am having the same problem. If you have fixed it I would love to know how. Thanks and good luck.
  11. SpaceOdin

    Exp+ Grower seeks Advice and Intuition for special situation.

    From Jorge Cervantes' Marijuana Horticulture: "Increasing the nitrogen level makes more female plants...lowering the potassium level for the first 2 weeks increases females" (p. 20) "Low temperatures increase the number of females." (p.20) "High humidity..." (p.20) "More blue light..." (p.20)...
  12. SpaceOdin

    First Time Grow - Blue Streak (MDanzig)

    I just saw that I forgot to post pics yesterday so here they are. Btw, the leaf curling has been getting progressively worse since yesterday. My temperature is 76F and humidity is 66% and my light is 2 feet from the canopy (I have glass on it too). I do not know what is wrong. Please help!
  13. SpaceOdin

    First Time Grow - Blue Streak (MDanzig)

    Things are going pretty well with this grow. Only a couple problems that I have encountered: 1) On a few of the plants' bottom leaves they are curling up only at the edge closest to the stalk. ( See pic #5 for the worst one, left leaf) Does anybody know what this is/could be? 2) Some of...
  14. SpaceOdin

    Roots Organics Soil Question

    I planted some Blue Ryder in it about 2 weeks ago. The guy at the hydro store said it would last at least 3 weeks (which would be when Blue Ryder should start to flower). But I was hoping to get a better answer because he didn't seem too sure how long it would last before I need to start using...
  15. SpaceOdin

    Roots Organics Soil Question

    Does anyone know generally how long roots organics soil will last before I need to start adding nutes?
  16. SpaceOdin

    Second Grow First Time Closet HELP!!!

    It seems like overkill with the lighting in that small of an area. Have you thought about making it one room and using the 250 in conjunction with the 400? It would give you a full spectrum throughout the grow. The fan seems like it would be enough but your lights are going to put out a lot of...
  17. SpaceOdin

    First Time Grow - Blue Streak (MDanzig)

    Now complete with pics! Most of the little buggers are growing out their 2nd set of leaves and the 2nd set of blades on the lower leaves. Here is the plant-by-plant update with pertinent information. Height is measured from the soil surface to the top of the growth tip. #1 - Approximately...
  18. SpaceOdin

    First Time Grow - Blue Streak (MDanzig)

    Soon after planting I noticed it was taking some plants a while to break the surface. Most of this was just first-time nerves but when I starting checking I discovered that #3 was growing upside down under the surface. Seems some perlite was lodged right on top of it and it couldn't grow up...
  19. SpaceOdin

    First Time Grow - Blue Streak (MDanzig)

    So I forgot to mention what bulb I am using. It is a 400W Philips HPS-Retro White ED18 which is a full spectrum bulb. I am on Day 9 right now. An update is to come with pics but here is a rundown of what you've missed in 9 days. I used the paper towel method for germination and within 43...