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  1. missgrit

    weirdest thing/worms

    I had those same things! I pretty much determined that I had spedermites, but I had those too! Didnt notice them till manicuring and didnt take a pic, but I know wxactly what your talking about.
  2. missgrit

    Drying Time?

    Thank yall! They've been up since Saturday. Going to check on them today but will probly bring them down tomorrow
  3. missgrit

    Drying Time?

  4. missgrit

    Drying Time?

    So I had some major problems with a lot of my crop and had to harvest a little early. Its my very first time, so just a bit lost. I harvested way more than I had time to manicure! But I got it done and they have been drying to days. But they are already kinda cripsy, the stems don't snap, just...
  5. missgrit

    Florida Growers Thread

    Just droppin in here since we don't have an Alabama thread. I'm 1/2 a mile from the Florida line though! I hope to live across before my son starts school. Bama schools suck! (no lottery) anyway, whats up with the petition stuff? Lookin around in here but have not found the details yet. Hi yall!
  6. missgrit

    What to make for my college art class?

    I'm in the same class, and my teacher is a wack. I made an F on her test last week! I;ve never made anything below a C when I gave a damn! We are in week 6 and have only done 1 project. We had to draw a memory from childhood and then rip into 5 pieces, after that we had to match lines and colors...
  7. missgrit

    Should I bust out a can of woop ass?

    a lot of mine is drying now. Its my first time and I had no idea it was that much work manicuring! I thought I was halfway when I quit last night but I've spent 3 more hours today! I could imagine how long it would take if they hadnt ruined half of it! Little bastards! Well. I saw that post too...
  8. missgrit

    Should I bust out a can of woop ass?

    , I atleast I know what it is now. They can ruin everything in no time at all!! I thought thats what they were cause there is this web lookin stuff all over them. Thanks
  9. missgrit

    PLZ help spidermites..

    So I am looking around but still have no idea what these things look like. I just updated my thread with the damage I found today. It wasnt there a few days ago! The crops are in 2 locationsa and both of them have something. the sacond crop I went ahead and hatvested a lot of. They are drying...
  10. missgrit

    Should I bust out a can of woop ass?

    What do these things look like? I got something, not sure what.... Will you look? This link, page 3?
  11. missgrit

    First time, what now?

    I hate it when my pics dont show up! Also on the one I harvested There are small parts with this stuff, I'm cutting it off. What are the chances of it spreading?
  12. missgrit

    First time, what now?

    So here are the other from a different place. These are just more brown with white stuff on them. I did see a bug moving that was covered in white stuff. The pics above look more moldy... I'm so confused and upset. I went ahead and got a lot of it today, not the first ones but the others. They...
  13. missgrit

    First time, what now?

    oKAY, So i went to check on the babies this evening and found this nasty mess! Its only been a few days since I was there. So I called up my partner, like, I gotta a problem here and we need to go check the others. So we did and they are ruined!! Is this spidermites, mold or what??? These are...
  14. missgrit

    First time, what now?

    BUMPBUMPBUMP...Please give me some input guys... tell me I suck, tell its going good, jusst tell me something! Ain't gonna hurt my feelings none.
  15. missgrit

    First time, what now?

    BUMP BUMP yall??? PLeeease?
  16. missgrit

    First time, what now?

    JUst wanted to show off how well my baby with the boken stem healed up. ITs the big fluffy one in the pot. The other has a nice length on the buds, just wish I could find something to fatten them up. I cannot find any molasses! I know its online but I'm too broke to to order online. What exactly...
  17. missgrit

    make your own Rooting hormone

    Well its possible that my water was off a bit. I tried them in mason jars, each with its on bubble line, inside of a rubbermade tub, with only one CFl since Irea somewhere that clones don't need much light. I know I cut them right and off of a good mother. Also used Shultz rooting powder.
  18. missgrit

    make your own Rooting hormone

    I have a lot of willows... weeping willows and pussy willows.... maby this will help me finally keep a clone alive!! I bet I've lost 20 over the last month, never gotten one to root!
  19. missgrit

    Where the chicks at?

    hey hey, don't throw us under the bus just cause we can't keep up with all the talking in tonques. I'm here, quietly trying to soak up info that may be legit. When my shitty dial up cooperates anyway.:-P
  20. missgrit

    First time, what now?

    f it for now, be back