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  1. jim1943

    operation "GeTTo RESCUE"...first grow!!!

    Why? Cuz i wont be able to tell how much is in it at any givein time? Increase shock? I planed on useing miracal grow top soil, dont know if its time release or not. should i grab some root stuff? Thanks jacko
  2. jim1943

    operation "GeTTo RESCUE"...first grow!!!

    June 20th, plants have deffenitly stoped growing, But no worrys those roots will have plenty of room come tomorrow. I gotta go get the supplies tomorrow, any suggestions??? I will post again after transplant...wish my babys luck!
  3. jim1943

    operation "GeTTo RESCUE"...first grow!!!

    Now that is cool my man...Im on that shit like a whore on coke. An ya, im transplanting watch out for the pics! Any good tricks for transplant?
  4. jim1943

    operation "GeTTo RESCUE"...first grow!!!

    UPDATE...thanks spittin, Yesterday, temp was 90 in the "getto grow box" so i put them down in the basement, with the fan right in front of the window...droped to 70-75. I read on here that plant growth ceases when temp goes over 85. Still growin but starting to slow, i think mabey the roots are...
  5. jim1943

    operation "GeTTo RESCUE"...first grow!!!

    well i wanna keep em under the light 24hrs a day, mabey give them a rest between 3 am- 5:30, 6:00 am. But im worried about light stress an burning. These were planted late as you can tell (very early June) an i wanna veg the hell outa them an try to catch up a lil bit. Any input?
  6. jim1943

    operation "GeTTo RESCUE"...first grow!!!

    Thanks man, im reading up on rock wool as we speak. as for the tall ones. Not sure if they are the same strain or not. I remember the kid sayin he had diffrent seeds from diffrent people. But dont worry i got my eye out. I think i may go half an half...half transplant half clone. An yes you are...
  7. jim1943

    a couple bagseed buds...

    lol ya me too! Just chillin wit the boyz (an ladies) on ROLL IT UP! But seriously I've been on the computer for a week straight now...i moved my babys up next to me an everything.
  8. jim1943

    operation "GeTTo RESCUE"...first grow!!!

    yup yup here ya go jack
  9. jim1943

    a couple bagseed buds...

    I feel you jack, If your gonna do something do it right, put your nose to the grindstone. I've been a smoker since 8th grade but new at the growing. But give me a month or so an It'll all be in the brain! Gotta love this site
  10. jim1943

    operation "GeTTo RESCUE"...first grow!!!

    We'll have to see about cloneing. they are only 4''-6'' tall, an yes that is the flat side of the foil, i read that on here today an had to flip it all around. This site is just a wealth of wisdom!
  11. jim1943

    operation "GeTTo RESCUE"...first grow!!!

    true true, A lil update, i got a temp an humidity monitors in the box now. Im geting a lil burn on the tips, checked the thermo an it was 101-103 in that lil box! so i took off the top an moved the fan closer...we are right on 90 now, too hot still?
  12. jim1943

    operation "GeTTo RESCUE"...first grow!!!

    Ya but the current container is on like 1ftx4''...six root space. I did have toping in mind though..after transplant.
  13. jim1943

    CFL grow Closet--Fertilizer challenge

    Hey, cant wait to see the outcome. Im debaiting on what soil to use right now
  14. jim1943

    operation "GeTTo RESCUE"...first grow!!!

    Ya i know! I've been trying to figure out how im gonna cut them out. They are no more than half inch away from each other! I will be sure to take pics of trans plant!!!
  15. jim1943

    operation "GeTTo RESCUE"...first grow!!!

    This is a temporary set up for a few days. I'll keep you posted an keep the pics coming. Please comment an some advice would be great if ya have the jokes are welcomed but hey they are growing by leaps an bounds. Transplanting this week.
  16. jim1943

    operation "GeTTo RESCUE"...first grow!!!

    K heres the deal...I Got six seedlings from a kid who didint know what he was doin. First off he put all six in one container an had them in the shade. So now i've had them for a good week now an their doin great. Now that your up to speed lets get started. When i got them i put them in my back...
  17. jim1943

    i fell on my camera in my garden....

    Im speechless. I think i have a chubby :hump:
  18. jim1943

    Seedlings planted late, its june18,an they are at bout 6-8 inches...

    So i got six seedlings in one lil container. They range from 6''-8''. I plan on transplanting on payday (im broke) that is on the LONGEST DAY OF THE YEAR, June,21. My hope is they stop veg by july,20 , Then I would hope to harvest by Sep,18 , that gives them two months to flower. I plan on...
  19. jim1943

    Im in need of a little help

    That is what they call "Ditch Weed" It was grown commercialy before an during WWll. It has lilttle if no THC. Used for rope clothes etc. I have it in my area. But i have a Question of my own. Can these cross pollinate with ours???
  20. jim1943

    six 3week seedlings, all in small cointainer, need help

    ya, i know this. But i figured that the roots of all six would be all tangeld together by now. so when i go to transplant i would be hacking the roots all to hell. I was gonna transplant into the earth but ive decided to go with pots. Thanks for the info too!