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  1. D

    The Meth experience thread

    Good luck with your meth experiment you are going to need it. Why anyone would want to put cleaning solvents into there body is beyound me
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    What Is Stealth?? Seedbank Practices Discussed

    My experience with ordering seeds is very limited but I have ordered twice now from attitude first time it took 7 days last timereceived an order this week took 8 days I have no complaints about the attitude. but i am going to check out speedy and see want he has.
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    what to do with Gangster Deer?

    Go to any nursery and ask for help many people have problems with deer in their gardens I personally use an electric fence with a solar battery. the deer are only afraid of people during hunting season.
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    Christian militia nutjobs arrested for plan to kill cops

    the left is responsible for far more violence's then the right. do a search. we all know how the peace loving communist never killed anyone. ever heard of Amy Bishop?
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    The president who cried wolf

    I don't know how much experience you have with nonprofit's. But we do not what them running are health care and they are anything but nonprofit. check out the wages these people make for what they produce. there not much different then government workers. the problem with health care is...
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    T5 heaven, anyone else?

    I have a four 4x4 T-5 ho My first indoor grow. I have been growing outdoors for over 30 years. Used it for veg and flower it worked far better then I expected I am debating weather or not to buy and try a 400 watt cmh for flower.
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    watch new release movies dvd quality for free

    Monstagonja Going to try the divx thing's for the scoop. All I can say about xbox 360 is red ring of death twice I'll never waist my money on one again I love my playstation 3 and our playstation 1 still works. Thanks man
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    Indians And How The World Could Benefit.

    This is some B.S. I want to tell my British brother's & sisters peace. And this people whom think the American Indian's are some peace loving one with the earth. Don't know want there talking about they were killing each other over land women extra, long before the white man showed up. People...
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    My bud dont smell and hairs are still white(pics)

    You need more lights. there is no shorted of people growing with cfl's around here spend an hour going though some of them
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    Has Atheism become its own Religion?

    the US. was founded by Christians for Christians, Freedom of religion not Freedom from religion. If God offends you move I "am sure Europe will have you!
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    Is this for real??? Fox News for Legalization?

    The left is intolerant of anyone who doesn't think just like them and they are brainwashed into thinking everyone else is bigoted. Obama, Harry Reed, ex. thinks they know better then you do how you should live and have a morel wright to control everything. Pot is not a harmless plant. It is and...
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    30X microscope and can't see anything..

    I have the radio shack scope and a loupe for me the scope works great if I cut off a bud and lay it on a table does not work otherwise. The jewelers loupe works good I find my rifle skills a must have to steady you arm. just a cheap loupe from amazon.
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    In theory, CMH > HPS?

    the cmh forum at ICM say's not to use pulse start bulbs only the philips retro whites with an magnetic ballistic I am going to try one out. Yield is not as importaint as quality for me.
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    what does freedom mean to you

    States rights. Not the federal government telling me how to think talk, retire and lets not forget redistribution of wealth I don't want ssn heath care or anything but to leave me the fuck alone. Kill congress.
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    where do you growers here stand politically? conservative or a liberals?

    God gave man free will not Obama. I hide every dime I can so I don't have to support welfare trash,unions,foreign aide extra. I;am surprised and glad their are so many conservatives on this site. Government intervention is what's wrong with this country. keep the poor uncomfortable.
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    Ventilation and Exhaust

    Don't exhaust between your floor joist vent it to your exterior wall or at least into another room I have been in the home building business for 30 years I know I am old.
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    Ha! The dems got the magic 60

    I am not talking a bought the destruction of the middle class that the democrat's want this two party system has to go How about giving the Libertarian party a chance I think Ron Paul would make 50 times the president as Barack hussein Obama I hope they don't come and arrest me for saying his...
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    Who is still glad we didn't end up with McCain?

    Unless you are in the union or a stock holder in G.M. or Goldman Sac's,Fannie May, the list goes on and on I thought only evil Republicans did every thing they could to set up global corporations The founding fathers are rolling over in their graves were did I put that pitch fork?