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  1. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    started a new grow still got 1 white widow left growing along with 4 purple haze .Got some cuttings from a friend to get females for defo now lol will get pics up soon let you all see the girlies.
  2. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    sorry not posted in a while had a wee bit of a disaster 4out of the 5 are male :confused: so wordof warning to everyone dont buy seeds from as they are not feminised and yes it seems a good deal but in the end it will end upcosting you time and wasted electricity !!!!!! 1...
  3. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    i already have the switchable ballast going to use the mh for my next grow just didnt have the cash to buy 2 bulbs plus my light set up .Learning more and more everyday and you guys posting on here is a massive help and very much appreciated .cant wait till i start my second grow and ave nt even...
  4. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    a know think its the buckets i am using the soil seems to be holding the water more for some reason ave nt watered for 3 days now and they are still quite moist plus ma ph problem is a cause aswell i think from what i have read on this . thanks for you help but its always welcome still a rookie lol
  5. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    As promised more pics girls are looking a bit more healthier taking it a day at a time bongsmilie
  6. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    well quick update i have now transplanted into 15 litre buckets and put ma girls into flower woop woop lol having a wee ph problem but i am in the process of tryin to sort it adding ph down to my water makin it a bit more acidic plus i am using bio bloom to give them a wee extra help :-o more...
  7. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    i have a fan in with them and my light is about a foot and a half above the plants at the moment when i had it lower the leaves started to curl up .also do any of you think its to early to flower because i think they are a good size the now to flower and i have read the plants double in size ...
  8. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    well my girls are doing great measured them again 1 at 24" 2 at 21" 1 at 17" and 1 at 12" looking great and smelling amazing have more pics.Not started feedin them any nutes yet but will be in the next few days then we will see the fuckers grow lol again any comments or advice is welcome .
  9. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    quick update measured my girls last night i have 1 at 18" 1 at 17" 1 at 13" and 1 at 11" until i came back in tonight and they had all grown just under an inch each now thats what a call growin lol :clap::weed:
  10. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    Alright guys sorry again for the delay ma laptops has been murder lol well anyway i have now had to transplant into 6 litre pots as the roots where growing right out the bottom .My girls are looking amazing really bushy and tall and smell lush .I have pics of my girls to show you all .thinking...
  11. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    Alright everyone sorry ave not updated in a wee while ma laptop has gone to pc heaven :cry: lol well ave now transplanted 4 of ma girls and they are growing amazing the 2 bigs ones are now huge and the roots are already starting to show at the bottom of the pot sorry i put them from 1 litre pots...
  12. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    Hello everyone now on to day 16 and ma girls are doin great .Still have 2 small ones just think there slow growers and 2 large ones who are amazin (if a dont say so myself) lol started gettin roots coming out of the bottom of the pots so think its time for some transplanting into 3 litre pots.I...
  13. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    the temp isnt high i hav a fan in with the plants plus i live in scotland we are not known for our high temps lol
  14. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    Day 10-Sorry been a few days since a updated ma laptop was playin up technology eh lol anyway ma girls are doin great growin at a rapid rate just a wee concern 1 of them the leaves are quite droopy dont know if this is the way white widow grows or if there could be a problem i have watered them...
  15. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    day 7-the girls are lookin great 2 of them gettin bigger and smelling lovely .My new sprouter is growin great leaves are coming out nicely.The runt of the litter is even startin to look good sprouting some new leaves .I will post more pics once the rain stops bein so heavy lol glad its indoor am...
  16. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    aye mate from they had a sale on had some crackin deals you should check it out:D
  17. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    Day 6- everything still going good my 5th seed has now germinated and will be gettin put under the light when i start the cycle again .Forgot to say am doin 18/6 cycle .Only 1 wee concerning thing leaves are starting to curl upwards a little but still look healthy and green and a nice little...
  18. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    ave been told by a few people that foil burns the plants ! and they are gettin plenty of light just scared of burning them if it is too low but thanks for the sdvice at least you are good enough to leave a comment :D
  19. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    also with the white boards i have up its reflecting more light around the plants which i think helps looking really healthy.I am stil waiting for something to go wrong because it is going so well.I will be updating regular to help other 1st time growers who like myself know fuck all about any of...
  20. andy1978

    1st grow ever

    its about 3ft above but was higher until it fell lol so keeping it lower until they grow more then move up again more secure this time but !!!!! lol