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  1. S

    Aero Cloner h202?

    10 days in the ez cloner and a few are starting to show roots 2 days after switching to 15/45. The clones don't seem to be mushing out like the others. Thinking I might start a new batch on 15/45 to see if any mush out at all.
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    Aero Cloner h202?

    I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the mothers being grown hydroponically. The plants grow so fast that the clones I pull are very soft. Perhaps thats why their mushing out so quickly. I've never grown in soil, and I've never cloned before. Perhaps the cycle timer is actually...
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    Aero Cloner h202?

    I actually increased the time to 15/45. If it doesn't work I'll get a cycle timer. Thanks for the advice.
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    Aero Cloner h202?

    H202 hasn't prevented mushing. Gonna try the pump on 15/30.
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    Aero Cloner h202?

    I have some 35% h202 and was wondering if its ok to use in my ez cloner in the water with the clones. I've been using tap water at 74 degrees, 75 ppm, 5.8 ph, 80% rh and h202 at 2.5 ml per gallon every 3 days. I am currently getting soft stems and have had to remove half the clones. I lost the...
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    Ez Cloner Humidity?

    I am using an ez cloner in a controlled environment and was wondering what my humidity and air temperature should be. Thanks.
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    GDP: 36-Site Aeroflo LED

    I'll give it a shot. I'm not too worried about penetration, though. The magnum 357s have that covered. Thanks for the advice.
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    GDP: 36-Site Aeroflo LED

    I'm gonna try a few with just the net pots and neoprene collars and the rest hydrotton. Hopefully all goes well. I have a deep loathing for hydrotton.
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    GDP: 36-Site Aeroflo LED

    Gonna set up my aeroflo this weekend. Wondering if you have considered using 3" neoprene disks in the net pots instead of hydrotton to support the plants. I was also curious as to how you root your clones. I've heard you can root them directly in the aeroflo just by raising the water level all...
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    GDP: 36-Site Aeroflo LED

    I've been growing for a year with an older generation led light and I have also notice that the plants required less nutrients. After a lot of checking on the web it would seem that mostly everyone else has come to the same conclusion. As for the hoses on the water chiller, did you drill holes...
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    Delete this. Posted on the wrong profile... heh.

    Delete this. Posted on the wrong profile... heh.
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    GDP: 36-Site Aeroflo LED

    Sorry to hear about the troubles with the grow... I actually just bought 2 magnum 357 led grow lights, an aeroflo 36, and a 1/10th HP water chiller. I'm curious as to how you have the water chiller hooked up. Are you using a separate pump? Or do you just use the one in the aeroflo? Never used...
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    great white plant success with chemical nutes?

    I am running the 3 part GH flora series in dwc and was wondering if anyone has experience with great white. Is it only to be used with organic nutes? Or does it benefit both chemical and organic systems? Thanks.
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    building a sealed room

    I actually just purchased the magnum led grow light. Gonna see how it goes in flowering. I also have an led illuminator pro which gave me a fairly decent yield for my past few grows. Thanks for the advice.
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    building a sealed room

    I am in the process of building a sealed flowering room in which I plan on eventually using c02. I will be using LED's as a light source so I'm not really concerned about temperatures. My question is, should I vent the air out of the room through a carbon filter using vents? Or should I just...
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    roots wont grow

    Yeah, I didn't really provide much information... sorry. The plants are 1.5 months into veg and I had to cut off 3/4 of the roots. It is a true dwc, roots, water, bubbles. My temps were too high but I now have that under control. I saved them with h202.
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    roots wont grow

    I recovered from root rot 2 weeks ago in bubbler buckets and two of my plants roots are not growing at all. The plants look fine, just no root growth. Should I prune my plant down so the roots can catch up? Thanks.
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    lucas formula with led lighting

    I was interested in trying out the Lucas formula, but was wondering If it needs any tweaking for leds. Would leds be considered as weaker lighting falling under the fluorescent ratio? The guide recommends different amounts of nutrients depending on what type of lighting you're using. Thanks!
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    hooked roots

    I am on my third grow and have not come across this strangeness. The roots on two of my plants are hooked at the end. They seem to be fine for the most part and I haven't noticed any slowing down in growth or any issues. They look white and healthy as can be.
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    Soft drooping leaves and branches

    I am growing Fantaseed Armageddon in a bubbler bucket and my entire plant is soft and drooping. There is no discoloration at all, but the leaves are withering up (yet remaining soft?) and the branches are really soft and are severely leaning over. I am growing the same strain in a seperate...