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  1. M

    How can I save money on new equipment?

    I am building a new indoor complex for growing and plan to buy several thousand dollars worth of equipment, I am wondering how to save the most money and get the biggest discounts I can...any ideas? Also, I am building two flowering room for two 1000w lamps in each room...if you could build the...
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    1000w digital ballast burning out bulbs

    Premature bulb failure with Digital ballasts. Yes. I am having this issue and so are many of the people I know. I am trying my best to track this issue down with the manufacturers and all our experienced people on forums. I have written to Hortilux asking about this issue and this is thier...
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    Digital Ballasts blowing up Hortilux bulbs???

    and this sucks since I love eye hortilux bulbs!
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    Digital Ballasts blowing up Hortilux bulbs???

    Yes. I am having this issue and so are many of the people I know. I am trying my best to track this issue down with the manufacturers and all our experienced people on forums. I have written to Hortilux asking about this issue and this is thier response. Our bulbs preform like all other bulbs...
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    digital ballast

    well, I don't feel lumateks are nessasarily bad, just there are many unresolved issues with digital ballasts and bulbs and I want more people to report on this issue so we all know better. I am not the authority but between all of us we can see trends, thats all i am suggesting.
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    normal ballast Vs digital ballast

    No sir, not spam, and not the exact same, I am trying to pin down issues of bulb/ballast incompatabilities and have modified my warrenty information after consulting with the digital manufactrers. i have also sent inquiries to each of the major brands asking thier recommendations as to bulbs...
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    Digital ballast??

    thanks NoDrama, this is just what I am talking about on the ground experiences...what works for you...specifically and why....thanks again NoDrama...Lets hear it people..... what bulb with what digital ballast? And how long are they lasting??????
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    what is the best digital ballast?

    I love Eye Hortilux bulbs and have used them for years, However...they have one of the worst failure rates when used with digital ballasts. Ushio and Digilux are currently top runners for longevity and compatiblitly with digital ballasts. Digital Ballasts and premature bulb failure. Much has...
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    Digital ballast?

    Knock off brands tend to be unshielded, almost all modern brand names have shielding, Quantum and Phantom are the top brands currently.
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    Sun Pulse DIGITAL Lamps

    Thanks McGician, your work is invaluable to us out here. I am a grower that has been involved one way or another over thirty years, I stepped away for ten and am now getting back in. Alot has changed and I am trying to re-educate myself in order to set things up as best I can with all this new...
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    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    well your first picture may have answered my question, what do you consider to be the best digital balast and why? Looks like you choose Lumeteck, can you tell me how you like them and what models we are seeing here, what models do you recomend. Thank you very much and bless you for all your...
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    Deep Water Culture

    Your quote is quite the piece of work.... so I'm guessing the shooting should start with you as your unable to spell even simple words like's called nature dude......."All stupid people should be shot in the head. Thin the heard people its called nature" -adam corolla......
  13. M

    DIY: Deep Water Culture System

    thanks for the step by step illustrations, your too humble, great system dude...btw?? what all is included with the aereator set you bought, I get the air rock bubbler, but if the pump pumps air, why is it in the resevour??