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  1. Wakko

    My new Track

    :P I wonder when Infected Mushroom come over my place to ask for my autograph XD
  2. Wakko

    Check Out My Paints

    Bonghits4jesus , i think ill do it ! thanks DsB spider :P
  3. Wakko

    Check Out My Paints

    1 year , 4 month , 10 days BUMP ! hahaha
  4. Wakko

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bump ! but hey i got this scary thoughts becouse my friend had lucid dream about me and my other friend, he told us somthing bad is gonna be happend.
  5. Wakko

    My new Track

    Thanks ford ! haha try to hear it while baked :)
  6. Wakko

    My new Track

    LOL ! I forgot to put the link on wahahaha Look at the first .. :>
  7. Wakko

    My new Track

    Hey ! Listen to my new track ( psytrance ), its a 120 bpm with lots of energy and it will kick your brain to other dimension ! Made it with cubase.. Ill be glad to hear some opinion about it :):hump:
  8. Wakko

    Psy Trance Music

    No one likes Psychedelic music ? :/
  9. Wakko

    Hi everyone, some questions

    It depends on a dealer.. The price is like : 50 shekels = like 10 Euro/ 12 $ = like 6-8 cigarets ( depends on a dealer again :P ) = If I remember correctly , its weight is up to 10-12 grams.
  10. Wakko

    Whats the coolest thing youve made to smoke?

    Once I made a bong from : Carrot Pepper Cucumber And metal Was kinda cool :)
  11. Wakko

    wat kind of stoner r u

    To be honest , Before I smoke from a Bong Im Ussualy getting this feeling like I need to poop first ^_^
  12. Wakko

    100 Things That Are Worse For You Than Weed

    Midgets Sharks Boubble gum Cheap deodorant School Time Commitment JellyFish Slow Internet Head shot Diarrhea And Gary Coleman..
  13. Wakko

    My Clipper Lighter collection

    Thank you sir :)
  14. Wakko

    My Clipper Lighter collection

    About 2 years. Its sure is understandable :hump: You cant spin the wheel and hit the tab ? I hope you do know how to tie your shoes ... Because if not you can always buy those shoes with scotch.. Clipper attributes are 100% related for joints/ bongs. Most of them are full. Yes its...
  15. Wakko

    What's Your Top Ten Or Favorite Stoner Tunes?

    First I want you to know that I love your show ! I think its really awesome ! I usually listen to psy music ( Infected mushroom , Talpa , Younger brother , Dapanji , Princples of flight , and so on..) I know its not what you are asked for , but Im looking for those tunes by my self and It will...
  16. Wakko

    My Clipper Lighter collection

    Clipper .. so round so perfect :)
  17. Wakko

    Hi everyone, some questions

    You are lucky , here in Israel we buy ONLY Hshish,Its so fucking annoying ! You know when the last time I succed to get Weed ? last year. So complaining shouldnt be an option for you my friend :) About your question I dont know what to say , well actually I didnt even understand it right now :P...
  18. Wakko

    My Clipper Lighter collection

    Reminds me myself when I used to do that as well, untill I realized the crime of my act !
  19. Wakko

    Psy Trance Music

    Hey ! My favorite music genre is "Psychedelic trance", which includes inside more genres - for example : Full on , Full power , "Dark" , Progressive , and so on.. Check out these matirials : Scratching , screamimng , cuting , scary => Its coming from the dark side ;)...
  20. Wakko

    My Clipper Lighter collection

    Yes all of them are working, and ready to use ! :D