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    Do People Talk to Themselves?

    es, when I smoke really good weed, I talk out loud. Sometimes I would have this crazy mind high and an epiphany hits me and I think of some crazy shit then I try to expand on it so I talk it out.
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    Should I buy a new bong?

    My current bong is small only a foot tall and is made of glass, should I invest money in a better bong? The neck on my bong is very short and the smoke chamber is not that big. If I buy a bigger bong will it make my bong sessions more worth it? Iam concerned that my small crappy bong is...
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    Jet lighter compared to Jet torches.

    I bong a lot, so normal lighters dont work well. Jet torches that put out a stronger and hotter flame are they better than the normal jet lighters? Jet torches can melt solder within seconds, they use it in plumbling also.
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    Left over tar resin oil on bounce fabric sheets.

    Yeah I guess I shouldnt smoke it.
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    Left over tar resin oil on bounce fabric sheets.

    Is the oil stuck on my bounce sheets smokeable? I wrap bounce sheets at one end of a paper towel roll and exhaled into the other end.
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    2 grams, for 8 hours, using a Gravity Bong

    When I do the gravity bong, I get baked like a cake.
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    2 grams, for 8 hours, using a Gravity Bong

    That would be so awesome. 2 Grams could last you +24 hours. kiss-ass
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    2 grams, for 8 hours, using a Gravity Bong

    For 2 grams of really good stuff, I can be high as a kite for at least 8 hours. I would hit the gravity bong every 15 minutes. Four strong hits per hour at 15 minutes a part keeps me flying. all for just $20!
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    Using aluminum foil for my bowls, is this safe?

    People cook using aluminum foil, so I think I should be fine.
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    Using aluminum foil for my bowls, is this safe?

    The aluminum foil has two sides one shiny and one non shiny. will the heat from the lighter evaporate or melt one side of the aluminum?
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    Using aluminum foil for my bowls, is this safe?

    I usually rip up big nugs into smaller bits. I would drum seal my glass bowl with aluminum foil and poke small holes in it, then rest the shreded bud on the aluminum foil and smoke it. Im concerned that the heat from the lighter might heat the aluminum and I end up enhaling something I shouldnt?
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    Miss pole dancer 2009 champion

    In video 1 @ 3:10 she does a pretty cool move. In video 2 @ 1:14, and 5:35 you should check out those moves.
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    Miss pole dancer 2009 champion

    Her name is Felix Cane, she won the 2009 miss pole dance worlds. b9bFHGyhm7I Y4zFBLKJUeU
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    Michael Douglas' Son Big-Time Meth Dealer?

    Fedex was used to ship drugs and money.
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    Scrog during flower

    A scrog grower will continue to train their plant under the screen until the plant stops growing. Usually about 3 weeks into flowering the plant stops growing. Once the plant stops growing, the scrog grower can create and even canopy by pulling the longer shoots down and pulling the shorter...
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    Scrog pics 6 weeks flower update!

    You had 5 plants under the screen and got 4.5 oz dry? What strain did you use? were these guys low ryders or auto flowering? 5 plants and 4.5 oz dry thats less then an 1oz per plant.
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    dwc noob with nute question :/

    Get a PH meter man, dont go cheap with PH. It will ruin you. Even soil grower use a PH meter. If you know your nutrients well or use organic nutrients, you probally could get away with out a PPM meter but a PH meter is something you will need.
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    740 watt LED grow DWC

    I think LEDs are also good for stealth cabinets. Can 740 wats of CFLs out produce 740 watts of LEDs? If LEDs can out produce CFLs watt for watt, then LEDs will be great for stealth cabinets grows.
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    how do i grow cheapest and easiest way?

    Well I dont know how you plan to design your grow room or grow area, so I wont bother with tips on cheap grow rooms designs. But the cheap and easyiest way to grow would probally be soil with very little nutrients. So basicly a soiless mix with perlite, worm castings. Grow the seed in the...
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    Quick question about starting seeds

    Can rapid rooters fit into a 3" net pot with hydroton? that rapid rooter looks really big for a 3" net pot with hydroton. Also will rapid rooters affect PH later on in your grow? I know you have to take certain steps with rockwool, but with rapid rooters how well does it affect your PH?