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  1. S

    So- What exactly is pre-vegging?

    Yeah clearly it's me who's being a douche.
  2. S

    So- What exactly is pre-vegging?

    Yeah, thanks.
  3. S

    So- What exactly is pre-vegging?

    Yeah, I hear you. I'm going to go with a zero-veg SOG, so I'm trying to perfect the technique of getting lots of cuttings ready all at the same time, but with extra big healthy roots, If I can.
  4. S

    So- What exactly is pre-vegging?

    Who asked you to reply? Read the "nonsense" thread and you'll see it's a term I found on a seedbank site and was unfamiliar with. It's fortunate for you that spelling and grammar aren't prerequisites to posting here.
  5. S

    So- What exactly is pre-vegging?

    Funnily enough, that's why I'm interested the topic. I want to produce clones for a SOG with really well developed roots but no vegetative development.
  6. S

    So- What exactly is pre-vegging?

    Awesome, thanks. I got the term from DNA Genetics site. It says pre-vegging is needed to make LA Confidential yield well.
  7. S

    So- What exactly is pre-vegging?

    I can't find it by searching. And I've never done it myself, so....
  8. S

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    How do you make a high temperature cut out switch? I live in Europe and can't locate one to purchase. If my power goes out and comes back on in my sealed room I'll have lights on with no AC, and that would be lethal.
  9. S

    Fertilizer For Your Guerrilla Grow

    Doesn't seem like anybody has mentioned the oldest and best answer (IMHO). Just bury a fish at the very bottom of your planting hole before the soil mix goes in. Plant on top. Try to get it down at least a foot to avoid animals smelling it and digging it up.
  10. S

    kept indoor for 5 days under 24hr light and transplanted them outdoors today?

    This is only my opinion, but I would put it under a timer which only gives it a couple of hours more light than your current outside conditions. Synchronise it with outdoors now. If it doesn't show sex, you're laughin'.
  11. S

    kept indoor for 5 days under 24hr light and transplanted them outdoors today?

    I don't mean to be confrontational on my very first post, but that information is wrong. INDOOR marijuana plants are made to flower with a 12/12 regime. Outdoors, pot's flowering response is triggered by the gradual increase in the dark period. Depending on the variety, it will begin flowering...