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  1. name101

    Just checking my avatar

    Thank! My son wanted it.
  2. name101

    Just checking my avatar

    O.K., I think it looks good. :mrgreen:
  3. name101

    Just checking my avatar

    Just looking to see how my avatar looks. You can ignore this thread.
  4. name101

    F#cken BS...nirvana seeds cracked but not sprouting...BS

    There seems to be a lizard growing out from your cube on the left :mrgreen:
  5. name101

    Indica vs. Sativa.

    This should help --->
  6. name101

    Big growth spurt

    Yeah I'll say WOW again. Your growing them outdoors at this time of year? Must be really good weather where your at! That grew really fast. You didn't say what strain it was. Do you know?
  7. name101


    I was trying to be as nice as possible.
  8. name101

    Back to work

    I don't like Dr. Phil. :evil: Just had to say that.
  9. name101

    live chat

    You need to know the secret code! :twisted:
  10. name101

    Miracle Gro potting soil

    I agree with LACY. I think MG is a good soil to use. They have been around a while like she said and they know there stuff.
  11. name101

    12 days into flower pics

    Look pretty good!
  12. name101


    I would say that you could leave them for now but they look a little stretched.
  13. name101

    Perfectly sized plant with hardly any soil

    Man that looks terrible. Just playin' :mrgreen: Good shit! </IMG>
  14. name101

    2 Plants almost thier...1 week left!!!!

    That does look like a nice aquarium. Good looking plants also.
  15. name101

    Nastiest Thing Ever Happened During Sex

    About 13 or so years ago, My now wife and I were in our teens, I guess we were around 15 or so, and went for a walk in the summer. We were both horny and saw a port O potty in the park and nobody was around. I looked inside and it was pretty clean so we went in. We were going at it really good...
  16. name101

    wow fucking jacked

    So did anything ever happen?
  17. name101


    I'm cancer.
  18. name101

    Kool-Aid Owns All

    Never heard it called that before either.
  19. name101

    day 37 flowering

    Like your bike CALI. I think I'll start a thread in the toke n talk forum on who rides.
  20. name101

    Current bud pics week 8 three different strains, Come take a look!

    WOW! They look really good.