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  1. W

    Anyone ever heard of a plant not flowering?

    well heres the deal ive been growing some lowlife auto bb for 60 days now I grew it for 40 then put it under 12/12 cause it didnt start to flower and its been flowering for 20 days and nothing and it showed sex at around day 20
  2. W

    Anyone ever heard of a plant not flowering?

    Well im having a problem I cant get my plants to flower does anyone have any suggestions?
  3. W

    PLEASE HELP? Auto BB Grow need help with flowering REP+

    well I got some Auto BB from lowlife seed and they are about 40 days old! They showed sex at 20-21 days but have yet to start flowering. Should they have started to flower by now or not? help would be appreciated!
  4. W

    Question about seeds? Need Help!!!

    I was wondering if automatic blueberry from lowlife seeds is a autoflower or photoperiod? I ordered some of them from wwms and they were listed as autoflowers and im having trouble flowering them and there pretty big now but I was on attitudes site and its says its a photoperiod? So can anyone HELP?
  5. W

    Lowlife auto blueberry advice needed!!! Not flowering? Rep+

    so many different views what to do? there still not flowering and im confused! There over 2 feet now and im running out of room can anybody help?
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    The Art of The Auto

    i am pretty pissed i only accounted for some small autos and now i got 20" of vegged photo pheno and they came from wwms
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    Fertilizer question

    its ok to use it all the way through
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    The Art of The Auto

    what strain is that joker?
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    The Art of The Auto

    man i really appreciate it not to many growers have exp with these automatic bb from lowlife so its hard to get advice or pics!
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    The Art of The Auto

    she drinks eats a lot now! what light did u use and do u have any pics of her?
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    The Art of The Auto

    did u finish under 12/12?
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    The Art of The Auto

    so i guess i should 12/12 these right? and do I 12/12 til there done or once they start flowering do i switch them back to 20/4?
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    The Art of The Auto

    I went with lowlife cause there crossed with lowryder so i thought they would be good but this is a learning exp I guess so any and all advice on autos or this strain is appreciated!!!
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    The Art of The Auto

    it was also some lowlife auto bb how much did u yeild?
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    The Art of The Auto

    maybe someone could please help me! I got some automatic blueberrys that have had pre-flowers on them for about 3 weeks now but still are not flowering what should i do? also its was only suppossed to get 10-14" tall and my shortest is 20" do you think it might not be a auto?
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    The Art of The Auto

    how long does it usually take a auto flower to start to flower?
  17. W

    Lowlife auto blueberry advice needed!!! Not flowering? Rep+

    I have some automatic blueberrys going right now and are 30 days old. The breeder says they get 10-14" tall well mine are already 20" and have had preflowers for about 10 days now but since showing the preflowers it hasent done anymore flowering just vegging so im confused will it flower or...
  18. W

    Help needed with lowlifw automatic bb please

    I have some auto blueberr ys going and they are 30 days old and have had pre flowers for about 10 days but no other sign of flowering just the pre flowers its had for 10 days also there getting big ll are about 20" the breeder says they get 10 to 14 so I'm a little confused and could use some...
  19. W

    The Art of The Auto

    Does anybody know how long it takes automatic blueberry to start flowering?