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    H&G Soil A&B line up with FFOF

    ive been using the HG A+B soil and the drip clean, roots excelerator, and bud xl. works great
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    EcoSMART Organic Fungicide

    stylet oil works
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    death to spider mite

    try Azatrol
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    please help powdery mildew is taking over

    ive tried the serenade before and that has a horrible smell to it. i used it for awhile but the PM kept comming back. now my plants are like 4-6ft. i also used stylet oil but it doesnt seem like its working well.. ill take pix as soon as i can
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    please help powdery mildew is taking over

    ive been battling powdery mildew for a while and now im in 5th week flowering and theres powdery mildew all over almost getting to the buds!!!! what can i do to stop it without killing my buds???? hellp!!!
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    im growing an outdoor plant in a pot and its about 2 and half feet tall now with little. bud on it. is there any bug prevention that i can use before i encounter any bugs or catepillars??
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    New growing

    ok so im about to start my first plant here outdoor. im going to use a 5 gallon pot, fox farm ocean forest mix and i just got a GDP clone from the clinic. should i just put it in the pot and let sunlight and nature do its work, or will that shock the plant? any info is appreciated
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    Welcome New Members!

    Shermdout og (kush) whats crackin