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  1. F

    Cfl Proximity To Foliage check my thread out for a good cfl idea to get as much light from the bulb as possible
  2. F

    CFL Bulb Screen

    came up with it mahself thank you very much lol... but yea i totally disagree with the poster that said light less the 2 in away is not good... i have it only a couple mm's away from a single budsight now and it is working great... once i get time ima make a couple more better screens then...
  3. F

    Do lumens really matter? Do they add up? Lighting experts apply within

    a good way to get GREAT light on a plant that ive found recently is to build a screen around a CFL bulb and keep in milimeters away from the bud site the screen keeps all vegetation from hitting the bulb, and keeping the great light output of a CFL. i imagine a screen on multiple bulbs all...
  4. F

    CFL Bulb Screen

    so i was thinking... since CFLs dont penetrate worth a shit any considerable distance away, and you have to move them constantly and try and keep all the bulbs at a good spot, wouldnt it be a good idea to make a little net screen thing around the bulbs, thus keeping out all the vegetation from...
  5. F

    Advice needed scrog?

    couldnt you just set up 4 small scrog sections..instead of the one big screen where everything will get all tangled up and whatnot...?? keep everything seperated but still the same scrog setup basically
  6. F

    Feeding Urine to your plants.

    LOL... no fuckin way that is true...:wall: got me to laugh tho :D
  7. F

    Grow Tube - Part Deux

    looking fuckin BEAUTIFUL! keep up the good work
  8. F

    Are these big ole balls?

    ive been waiting for them to show sex for a bit now and was wondering what was takin so long, well ones showin now woke up today to water them and came to see this and postin pics to make sure before i yank her/him. :/ this is my first time sexin plants so bear with me if this is obvious...
  9. F

    first grow, budget grow box - grow log from zero to 420

    so what? how do they smoke? shitty?... you say zip for a smoke report and zero trichs... if they are just a shitty smoke at least you got 40 something grams to make some dank brownies with let us know how high these bitches got ya if all please
  10. F

    My homemade under $15 cfl 6 light fixture.

    show us the wiring job and how ya did it?
  11. F

    Small grow box setup?smell?

    ok, the grav bong was just put into use, so bear with me here... i got 4 plants soon to be transplanted to 5 gal buckets, and am kinda worried about the smell factor. if i was to make a box out of wood and plastic wrapped over it, with a hole for the comp fan cool air intake at the bottom and...