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  1. R

    nutes burn situation

    well the top of the plant the end of the leaves are dead, i beleive this could be nute burn:wall:, i been using mg 15-30-15, i just fert it today with half strenght, will the plant recover on its own,
  2. R

    browning around the edges of the leaves on top of the plant

    yeahh it does kinda look like that maybe a little darker, but i been feeding it the same amount of nutrients the whole time, i could have just over did it a little last time, can it recover tho??
  3. R

    browning around the edges of the leaves on top of the plant

    i looked at photos of mag def, it doesnt really look like it, but would it still hurt to put some epsom salt in it? on the edges of the plants its a dark brown on the leaves and then the rest of the part of the leaves look healthy.
  4. R

    browning around the edges of the leaves on top of the plant

    would i wanna keep doing this every watering?
  5. R

    browning around the edges of the leaves on top of the plant

    how would i add some magnesium?
  6. R

    browning around the edges of the leaves on top of the plant

    I dont know what is causing this, from what i heard it could be the plant wanting more P, is this correct? It all on the new growth to, the plants goin into the 3rd weel of flowering Help?
  7. R

    earliest mold/bud rot can start?

    thanks for the help, now i will know for the future and up coming weeks!
  8. R

    earliest mold/bud rot can start?

    I was wondering whats the earliest mold or bud rot can start on a flowering plant? my plants are about 1 and half weeks in flower and we just been getting rain the past week. any idea?
  9. R

    Flowering Nutes

    better safe then sorry, il do that then, thanks man
  10. R

    Flowering Nutes

    Now i have been using full does of the mg 15-30-15, when i do eventually start adding the green light 12-56-6 would maybe using 1/2 strenght of 15-30-15 and 1/4 of 12-56-6 sound like a good idea? i just dont want to burn up my roots from over fert
  11. R

    Flowering Nutes

    ive been using mg 15-30-15, i havent yet changed over yet, i wanna start using the green light 12-56-6 and thought about using both and now im thinkin about using 1/4 like you, Is there anyway i can make up for the potassium??? is it safe to use both also???
  12. R

    Flowering Nutes

    i just got this shit and i plan on trying it out, im gonna try half strength for awhile thoo
  13. R

    Rain in the Northeast

    i do the same thing stony haha, i get worried about my girls i try to take care of them the best, and i also love just looking at the too lol!
  14. R

    Rain in the Northeast

    it looks like after this thursday we got a full week of sun coming!!! about time!
  15. R

    Rain in the Northeast

    It deff has been a dry summer too, but idk august seems to be the month we had the most rain. Im near the New York/ Pennsylvania border. From what i have heard september seems to be a month witth alot of rainn. i just hope we can make it through
  16. R

    Rain in the Northeast

    Man it seems like it been raining for ever around here, my plant havent had any direct sunlight in a couple days..... i hope we dont get this much rain during most part of budding i dont want any mooollldd Anybody agree with me??
  17. R

    Flowering Nutes

    whats the ratio of it?
  18. R

    Fast outdoor grow?

    4 months of growing season left? where the hell do you live?? it will be christmas in 4 months??
  19. R

    little something to try this years new crop

    damnnn 8 blunts a day, i thought i was a heavy smoker i use to smoke like 4 or 5 but i stopped smoking since im trying to find a job and every where piss test
  20. R

    Green Light super bloom 12-56-6

    my plants are in 5 gallon pots, i think il start with maybe half the strength and work my way up I got a question for you thoo what did you yield from those plants last year??