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  1. mjman

    dark spots

    Thanks for looking into it for me. Well i went away for 2 days came back home and she didnt look to good so i bought some pro mix and switched up the soil hope this helps i will have to wait and see now..thanks again
  2. mjman

    dark spots

    The soil i am using is schultz moisture plus, plain soil , perlite, vermicultie. I gave them 1/4 strength 20/20/20.
  3. mjman

    dark spots

    Thanks, i hope thats all it is im going to have to keep an eye on it.. Now when should i add nutes again..kind of worried about adding nutes cause i have nothing but problems..
  4. mjman

    dark spots

    Thanks for the reply, Well i have 6 26 watt (daylight 6500k) temp is around 88 with lights on humitiy is about 60 i am growing in a cupboard type thing i have 2 fresh air intakes and two exhaust, i feed them once about two weeks ago (20/20/20) didnt look good after that so i flushed them out...
  5. mjman

    dark spots

    Can anybody tell what these dark spots are..
  6. mjman

    dark spots

    Thanks for the reply, I only have a ph tester for water so i tested the run off and it is saying 6.8 but thats as low as my tester goes.. i first started off with 5 seedling gave 3 to a friend to put outside and i have to now, well maybe one because i see pistles on the one and no pistle on...
  7. mjman

    dark spots

    hello is anybody outthere
  8. mjman

    dark spots

    help please,dont know what to do..
  9. mjman

    dark spots

  10. mjman

    dark spots

    dont know whats wrong with my plant i think it was the 20/20/20 but i also has dark spots on most of the leaves..Not sure what to do??
  11. mjman

    dark spots

    can anyone help?
  12. mjman

    dark spots

  13. mjman

    dark spots

    Ok this is what happend i added 20/20/20 at 1/4 strength and started to notice yellowing and so i thought it was nute burn so i flushed the plant and now i am dark spots what could that mean i look for spider mites didnt see any, did see one a while back killed it nothing since. The soil im...
  14. mjman

    Will Plant Live?

    I did the same thing to my plants 20/20/20 and the the leaves starting turning yellow, so i flushed it, its been two days not much change will see what happends.
  15. mjman

    Yellow Leaves

    i started to notice my bottom leaves are turning yellow im not to sure why they are about 31/2 weeks old i added more lights maybe its to hot now i have exhaust and intake dont know what else to do i add some nutes at 1/4 could it be nute burn i dont know can someone help thanks.
  16. mjman

    small red bug

    Thanks for the info..
  17. mjman

    small red bug

    today i was looking at my seedlings 18days, and i notice some light brown little spots on the bottom 2 leaf's, so i went on here and look for some info and found some info on spider mites so i went back to my plants and looked real close on the plant with the brown spots and noticed a red little...
  18. mjman

    how and when to top my plant

    i was just wondering when to top my plant its about 18 days old, and could u explain how.
  19. mjman


    Thanks, their doing pretty good, not sure about 2 of them because the leaves look like they are curling a little bit, will see what happends..
  20. mjman


    I was just wondering when to start adding nutes to my 12 day old seedlings, and what should i use???