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  1. Livingfree

    Illinois - Bill Status of HB0030

    Postponed consideration, the bill failed to obtain the votes it needed to pass.
  2. Livingfree

    Illinois - Bill Status of HB0030

    While the bill has narrowed down the definition of who qualifies for this, it's NOT just for terminal patients. But, don't think that some back pain or migraines is going to get make you qualified. Lou Lang says he expects the bill to be called on today. It wasn't called the other day because...
  3. Livingfree

    Illinois - Bill Status of HB0030

    We were much closer to passing the previous medical cannabis bill than we were the industrial hemp bill. One of the problems is, there wasn't a whole lot of effort or push behind the hemp bill. The medical bill gets a lot more support because it's, frankly, much more important in this state...
  4. Livingfree

    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    So, because you are in deep your attitude is "Fuck any bill proposed in Illinois"? That's pretty shitty of you. Sorry to hear about your troubles, but why take it out on everyone else? When I see people behave like that, I always have to question their motives. Not all patients can just get up...
  5. Livingfree

    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    My wife and I both want to move to Colorado, she has family there, and two of which are patients. But we are strapped here in Illinois for a bit, but we'll make it out there. Until then, it's doing what we can, when we can here in Illinois.
  6. Livingfree

    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    Let me tell you, it was a sad day today. Quite a few patients were there today and watching it all happen, including losing votes from Reps that told us WOULD VOTE YES! There is still a small chance for this to be passed in January, we will still be giving this our best effort, but I'm less...
  7. Livingfree

    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    It absolutely does say that in the bill. This means that it would be tough to just say that you refuse any other treatment because of potential side effects. Most likely a doctor would have to have proof that those medicines would cause such negative side effects for that specific patient...
  8. Livingfree

    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    I'm sorry to say that, at this time, I doubt that your mother will be eligible....maybe in the future, only time will demonstrate how open doctors are to the idea of defining certain conditions as debilitating. You DEFINITELY won't be eligible, as the bill states that you must have first tried...
  9. Livingfree

    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    Just remember, this is a bill for PATIENTS! If this is widely abused the program will not be renewed after the 3 year expiration. This is NOT one of those "let's get this passed so we can ALL enjoy cannabis" bills, this is for the benefit of patients. This should be voted on the 29th or 30th...
  10. Livingfree

    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    Are any of you going to be traveling to Springfield this week to lobby in support of this bill? I might be making it at least one day! I've got a lot going on and I'm about 2 hours away, but we need as many people as we can get! Power in numbers!
  11. Livingfree

    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    I don't think it's as strict as some people seem to think. I hadn't read the bill in quite some time, so I reread it today. Pretty much, if you are having any severe pain that affects you on a regular basis in a dramatic way, all you really need to do is find a doctor that will give your a...
  12. Livingfree

    just walked in on my brother dieing

    No. If that were true, then about 98% of the people I know that drink were (at some point) alcoholics, according to your definition. This is just a simple case of a kid getting drunk and out of hand because...well, he's a kid. Perfect example of why young people should steer clear of things...
  13. Livingfree

    Flavoring weed. if sweet can pull it off, how is it impossible?

    Me as well, I'm just saying, I've never had any weed that I found tasted like bat poo.
  14. Livingfree

    Flavoring weed. if sweet can pull it off, how is it impossible?

    haha, really? Thank god I haven't run into any of that shitty (in a literal sense) weed.
  15. Livingfree

    Flavoring weed. if sweet can pull it off, how is it impossible?

    No, I just fail at trying to be funny.
  16. Livingfree

    Flavoring weed. if sweet can pull it off, how is it impossible?

    Sounds like a gimmick to me, I don't think adding things like that to the soil while it's growing will cause it to ultimately change the taste. I mean, what about growers who use bat guano? Would the bud end up tasting like poo? lol
  17. Livingfree

    Harvested WW, some problems perhaps?

    Yeah, I just harvested my first crop and it smells like that (Blue Venom - Blueberry x White Widow), after the first week of curing the smell is starting to change. I suspect that after the next couple of weeks it will be perfect. My wife and I have smoked some of the Blue Venom, and when I...