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  1. P

    Root Development vs Plant Growth

    dude exepert or not u cud defintly help me lol im a new soil growa and was have transpanted once in to 10inch by 10inch pots. i dnt no hw many litrs that in 4th week of flowering and just noticed that roots are showing at the bottom it too late to transplant??? do i need to...
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    how many girls u got in dat 4x4 area? i got 6 in da same sized area and was wondering wat kinda yield im gonna b expectin off a 250 hps?
  3. P

    Newbie needs !! What is wrong with my plant...Help Please

    hey guys...i got a very similar problem to xsmokeyx.....the only difference being that my super skunk plants are 4 weeks in to flowering and starting to show yellow tips on some leaves?????....some of the white pistils ave already turned orangey (very small amount but still) already and i havent...
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    Here to help... Ask me anything

    hi on day 35 flowring my super skunk. its drivin me crazy coz i still cant c phat juciy buds..they r still forming under the pistills i think...however, some of the white pistlls have already turned orangey-brown (a very small portion of them) and as i said, there still is no...
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    Welcome New Members!

    im 33 days in to flowering my super skunk plant. it is 3 n half feet tall under a 250 watt hps in a 1x1x2 budbox. i have noticed just yday that some of the white pistills (and i mean only very few- about 20 individual hairs out the 6 plants) have turned orange/brown already. the bud still hasnt...
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    Welcome New Members!

    hi...first time grow.. super skunk seeds 100% far so 4th week of flowering and need to hurry up as i have a time question is whether any one noes how much yield will be lost if i cut hours to 11 on and 13 off? and how much this will speed up the process?
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    bio canna vs bio bizz

    im using bio-bloom and top far so good
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    Here to help... Ask me anything

    its between 7 and 15 inches away from all.. ive been using using bio-bloom and top-max nutes....
  9. P

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    naaa they wernt clones and im using a 250 watt hps in a 1x1x2m growtent
  10. P

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    first time grow..super 29 days in to 12/12...following 40 days veg. they are now between 3 and 4ft. bud shoots are covered in trichomes and white pistills. however, i cant see any properly formed bud yet? am i looking too early or is still hidden under the pistills?
  11. P

    whats your biggest yeild under a 250 watt hps

    first time gorw.... im in week 4 of flowering under a 250 watt hps...should i be able to see proper formed bud or will it still be hiding under the white pistills?